Poached Figs with Blackberries

Serving size:4
Prep Time:
Total Time:
Poached Figs with Blackberries


  • 2 cup blackberries, defrosted if frozen
  • juice of 1 orange
  • juice of 2 lemon
  • 1/2 cup superfine sugar
  • 2 tbsp crème de cassis (optional)
  • 12 fresh figs
  • a few mint leaves
  • 1 cup crème fraîche
  • 2 tbsp finely chopped mint
  • 1 tbsp clear honey


Purée the blackberries with the orange juice in a food processor or liquidizer until smooth, then press through a sieve and discard the seeds. Gently heat the lemon juice and sugar in a small saucepan, stirring until the sugar has dissolved.


Stir the blackberry purée and cassis, if using, into the lemon syrup, ?then pour into the slow cooker. Add the figs, cover and cook on low for ?23 hours.

Meanwhile, mix the crème fraîche with the chopped mint and honey and spoon into a small serving bowl. Refrigerate until needed.


Serve the figs while still warm or transfer to a glass dish and chill. Sprinkle with extra mint leaves, if you like, and serve with spoonfuls of the crème fraîche.

Also try: Halved peaches with a raspberry Melba sauce would also be great cooked this way. You could also try stirring a little chopped stem ginger into the crème fraîche instead? of the mint and honey.


Recipe courtesy of Slow Cooking by Antony Worrall Thompson/Mitchell Beazley, 2012.