20 Powerful Denzel Washington Quotes That Prove He's a Fountain of Wisdom

Two decades ago, when I first saw Denzel Washington in Spike Lee's Malcolm X, I was blown away. From his authentic portrayal of the Civil Rights leader to his natural ability to command every scene, his talent is remarkable. So, it comes as no surprise that the 69-year-old star is now considered one of Hollywood's greatest and most versatile actors.

What I didn't know, however, was that the two-time Oscar winner is also a reservoir of knowledge and wisdom behind the scenes. Whether he's sitting down for a casual interview or delivering an acceptance speech at an awards show, I find that his words are insightful, honest and so refreshing. In fact, when he touches on topics like racism, spirituality and failure, it feels like I'm listening to snippets of a longer TED Talk—and I get the feeling I'm not the only one.

To honor the acting legend, here are 20 of the most memorable Denzel Washington quotes that have challenged and inspired me.

1. "Keep working, keep striving, never give up. Fall down seven times, get up eight.” — Denzel Washington

2. “Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship.” — Denzel Washington

3. “Without commitment, you'll never start. But more importantly, without consistency, you'll never finish.” — Denzel Washington

4. “Don't just aspire to make a living. Aspire to make a difference.” — Denzel Washington

5. “Don't be afraid to go outside the box. Don't be afraid to fail big, to dream big.” — Denzel Washington

6. “You can't legislate love. The president of the United States can't legislate us into liking each other. We have to step forward and ask questions about each other and engage. It’s up to us.” — Denzel Washington

7. “Dreams without goals are just dreams, and they ultimately fuel disappointment. So have dreams, but have goals. Life goals, yearly goals, monthly goals, daily goals. I try to give myself a goal every day. Sometimes just to not curse somebody out.” — Denzel Washington

8. “Every failed experiment is one step closer to success. You've got to take risks.” — Denzel Washington

9. “Remember, just because you're doing a lot more, doesn't mean you're getting a lot more done. Don't confuse movement with progress.” — Denzel Washington

10. “The chances you take, the people you meet, the people you love, the faith that you have, that's what's going to define you.” — Denzel Washington

11. “At the end of the day, it's not about what you have or even what you've accomplished. It's about what you've done with those accomplishments. It's about who you've lifted up, who you've made better. It's about what you've given back." — Denzel Washington

12. “Everything that you think you see in me, everything that I've accomplished, everything that you think I have—and I have a few things—everything that I have is by the grace of God. Understand that it's a gift.” — Denzel Washington

13. “I never looked at things as problems, I look at them as opportunities.” — Denzel Washington

14. “We used to do anything to be liked, but it was by the person in front of you. Now, it’s to be liked by 16 million people that you don't know.” — Denzel Washington

15. “Fame is a monster. We all have these ladders or battles or roads we have to walk in our lives. We all have our individual challenges—money doesn't make it better. Fame just magnifies the problems.” — Denzel Washington

16. “Do what you have to do, to do what you want to do.” — Denzel Washington

17. “You never know how or when you'll have an impact, or how important your example can be to someone else.” — Denzel Washington

18. “A single blessing is all the bounty in the world, and if you've been blessed at all, you're meant to pass some of that on. You're meant to set a positive example. That's our responsibility.” — Denzel Washington

19. “Just because you don’t share it on social media, doesn't mean you’re not up to big things. Live it and stay low-key. Privacy is everything.” — Denzel Washington

20. “ For me, success is inner peace. That’s a good day for me.” — Denzel Washington

32 Quotes to Help You Stay Motivated When You’re Feeling ‘Meh’
