4 movies filming in Cincinnati get millions in tax credits. One stars Sylvester Stallone

The Ohio Department of Development is awarding $36.7 million in tax credits toward 17 film, TV and Broadway projects, including four feature films in Cincinnati, Gov. Mike DeWine and the department's director, Lydia Mihalik, announced Monday.

The projects expected to film in Cincinnati are titled "Breaking Up with Mom and Dad," "The Epiphany," starring Sylvester Stallone, and "The Mastermind." The fourth feature film, "Help Me," is expected to film in the Hamilton and Cincinnati areas.

The state's move is part of the Motion Picture Tax Credit program, which offers a 30% refundable tax credit on production cast and crew wages and other in-state spending for projects that include feature-length films, documentaries and Broadway productions.

Monday's announcement offers support to 14 feature films, one television mini-series, one television series and one Broadway/theatrical production. Collectively, the projects are expected to generate around 500 new jobs, nearly $122 million in eligible production expenditures and $150 million in total production expenses.

The tax credit allocation comes on the heels of news that Cincinnati is one of six candidates on the shortlist of cities that could host the prestigious Sundance Film Festival. Previously, the festival has taken place each January in Park City, Utah, for more than 40 years, but its contract with the city will expire in 2027.

A production crew member helps build the set for the filming of what appeared to be “Superman" at Cincinnati Museum Center in July.
A production crew member helps build the set for the filming of what appeared to be “Superman" at Cincinnati Museum Center in July.

What we know about the movies set to film in Cincinnati

The state department listed how much in tax credits each film will receive:

  • "Breaking Up with Mom and Dad": $6.1 million.

  • "The Epiphany": $10.7 million.

  • "Help Me": $403,744.

  • "The Mastermind": over $4 million.

"The Epiphany," starring Stallone, is expected to come in 2025, per IMDB. It was set to film in Ohio between March 18 to May 8, according to previous Enquirer reporting. "The Epiphany" is set in Philadelphia and stars Stallone as a soon-to-retire detective charged with hunting down a serial killer, Deadline reports. According to the outlet, Will Eubank will direct the project, which is based on a screenplay by Katie Lovejoy and Russell Sommer.

IMDB additionally lists both "Help Me" and "The Mastermind" as being under development. "Breaking Up with Mom and Dad" is not yet on the website.

Full list of films, TV shows receiving Ohio tax credits

Broadway/theatrical productions:

  • "Tina, The Tina Turner Musical," Springfield/Northeast Ohio, $454,785.90.

TV series:

  • AEW 2024-2025 Productions, Cleveland/TBD, $1.275 million.

  • "Columbus Quartet" (mini-series), Central Ohio, $3.3 million.

Feature films:

  • "Breaking Up with Mom and Dad," Cincinnati, $6.1 million.

  • "Carousel," Northeast Ohio, $354,726.30.

  • "Epiphany," Cincinnati, $10.7 million.

  • "Furever Home," Southwest Ohio, $1.05 million.

  • "Help Me," Hamilton/Cincinnati, $403,744.20.

  • "Kickin' It," Cleveland, $1.2 million.

  • "My Mother the Madam," Columbus, $101,448.30.

  • "Privilege," Northeast Ohio, $1.04 million.

  • "Sugarcreek Amish Mysteries," Sugarcreek, $169,329.90.

  • "Syndicate," Cleveland, $4.68 million.

  • "The Bulldogs," Central/Northeast Ohio, $170,419.20.

  • "The Last December," Toledo, $1.3 million.

  • "The Mastermind," Cincinnati, $4.05 million.

  • "Water's Edge," Southwest Ohio, $113,100.

This article originally appeared on Cincinnati Enquirer: 4 movies filming in Cincy get millions from Ohio. One has Stallone
