The 4 Zodiac Signs Most Affected by April's Full Moon in Scorpio

Full Moon Scorpio Most Affected Zodiac Signs

Full moons are all about diving deep into our emotions, and with this month's lunation in Scorpio, get ready for a flood of feelings! While the last few weeks have been dominated by eclipse season, the Scorpio full moon on April 23, 2024, emerges as a beacon of intensity, illuminating hidden emotions and urging us to confront what lies beneath the surface. Despite the lingering effects of Mercury retrograde, which may bring unexpected twists, every challenge we face aligns us more closely with our authentic path. For these zodiac signs, this month's full moon offers an opportunity to release pent-up emotions.

When Is the April Full Moon in Scorpio?

The full moon in Scorpio will reach its peak on Tuesday, April 23, 2024, at 7:49 p.m. EST.

4 Zodiac Signs Most Affected by April’s Full Moon in Scorpio

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Taurus, part of moving past the healing phase in life is deciding what to do next. This month's full moon highlights your sphere of relationships and romantic entanglements, and the presence of Pluto is asking you to be realistic about where the power dynamic has fallen in your life. Are you demanding too much and expecting more than people can give you? Are you pursuing bad connections as a way to protect your heart preemptively? It's time to rethink your long-held beliefs regarding relationships, love, and partnerships.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)

Leo, the full moon in Scorpio brings surprising revelations and new information regarding people close to you, possibly even family members. The source of the drama in your life will make itself known loud and clear during this transit, but you have the choice in how you react to what's being brought to you. Be watchful of everything that transpires during this month's full moon, but refrain from sharing your opinions or reacting too quickly until Mercury retrograde ends; there's a chance you still don't have the whole story!

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Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

Scorpio, this full moon will be the most influential for you as it lights up your sphere of identity and personality. With Pluto squaring off against the full moon in Scorpio this month, you can confront your shadows head-on and gain insight into the unconscious motivations fueling your decisions. A central theme for you will be discovering where you are denying yourself fulfillment to meet other people's expectations. You might need to admit that you're not as liberated from the perceived authorities as you may wish to believe, and part of the reason is that you're still letting fear motivate your choices.

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Aquarius, the full moon in Scorpio is squaring off with Pluto in Aquarius, bringing some mind-blowing insights to your sense of self-actualization. With the sun and moon representing ego and heart desire at odds with the planet of destruction, it's time to discern which dreams are worth abandoning for your own sake. Consider where you can make a bigger impact and where you can be a little more outrageous in your dreams. This month's full moon will compel you to confront where you've internalized feelings of inadequacy, empowering you to rebuild your confidence and strike out on a new venture.

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