7 Great Reasons Maine Coon Cats Make the Best Pets

If you spend any time on the feline side of social media, you've likely noticed that Maine Coon cats are getting more and more popular. It's easy to see why! These gorgeous felines are just as regal as they look--or at least they can be. When a Maine Coon isn't sitting pretty like a supermodel of the cat world, they're likely watching the world go by from the comfort of a windowsill or spending time relaxing near the people they love.

Needless to say, these are excellent family cats! There are many reasons to appreciate this majestic American cat breed, but these 7 are pet owners' favorite qualities about their Maine Coon cats.

<p>Nils Jacobi/Shutterstock</p>

Nils Jacobi/Shutterstock

1. They're the gentle giants of the cat world

While the term 'gentle giant' is more often used to describe massive loveable dogs, it's a perfectly fitting phrase to describe Maine Coon cats, too. These felines may be large, but they're also incredibly sweet and social. They're known for loving time with family and friends, no matter their age or species. Whether you live in a house with kids or on a farm with animals, a Maine Coon will settle in beautifully.

2. There's more of them to love

Until you see a Maine Coon cat in person, it can be hard to tell just how big they are. Not only are these kitties fluffy and distinct with their pointed facial features, but they're also muscular and long. Male cats can grow to over 40 inches long, but a few have even broken Guinness World Records for their impressive sizes.

Although these massive cats are famous for their easygoing nature, their size does provide a few restrictions. Be prepared to buy the largest size in every cat product you buy!

3. Maine Coons are some of the most intelligent cats

In addition to being long and loving, Maine Coons are also incredibly smart. Yes--even the orange cats! While there is some confusion over the origin of this New England-based breed, their intelligence could be thanks to their domestic shorthair and Angora cat ancestors. Whatever's behind their gift, it's truly an honor to witness. Many Maine Coon owners say their cat is empathetic and in tune with their feelings too!

4. These cats are great conversationalists

Cats aren't usually known for being super vocal, but this popular cat breed is ready to prove you wrong. Many Maine Coons will meow in greeting or chirp and chatter at birds outside, but why is this cat more vocal than others?

It could have something to do with the Maine Coon's affinity for hunting (more on that below) or their love of friends and family. Cats mainly vocalize to communicate with their owners and other cats, so it makes sense why a social cat would talk more than others!

<p>Shutterstock / Sergey Ginak</p>

Shutterstock / Sergey Ginak

5. They are talented mouse hunters

As we mentioned, these American cats are skilled hunters and pest control experts. This matches up with the theory that Maine Coon cats originated as a cross between Domestic Shorthairs and long-haired cats from European ships. Cats often accompanied sailors and merchants to keep rodents under control, and this trait was carried down once the cats reached the New World and began interbreeding.

6. They are curious and playful

This likely goes hand in hand with being intelligent and social, but Maine Coon cats are especially entertaining with their curious and playful natures. Whether they're keeping themselves busy by watching birds or are asking you to play by carrying toy after toy to you, you'll be sure to know how your furry friend is feeling.

7. This breed has few health problems

Any cat can develop health conditions throughout their life, but some cat breeds are more predisposed to certain illnesses than others. Fortunately, the Maine Coon is famous for its hearty and healthy constitution. These cats had to be strong to survive New England winters, though there are a few hereditary conditions that Maine Coons can be at risk for. These conditions include:

-Spinal Muscular Atrophy

-Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: AKA heart disease

- Hip Dysplasia

- Stomatitis

- Polycystic Kidney Disease

With responsible breeding and annual veterinary exams, cat owners and breeders can set their pets up for success. Every cat, regardless of breed, can be at risk for health issues and even behavior concerns, but doing your research and paying attention to your kitty can go a long way!

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