Aces of Trades: The Air Force brought Heather Stoffer to the area, in a roundabout way

COSHOCTON – From Guam to Coshocton, she’s come a long way.

“During my childhood, I was filled with ambition and determination,” recalled Heather Stoffer. “Recently, I watched some old home videos and laughed as I watched myself receive the ‘citizenship award’ at my elementary school’s awards ceremony for participating in every available activity. My husband found this perfectly fitting for my character. Back then, the thought of working in commercial insurance never crossed my mind.”

Heather Stoffer is a certified insurance counselor and business account executive with Hummel Group Inc. She grew up in Louisiana and met her husband, Todd, a native of Coshocton, when both were  in the military.
Heather Stoffer is a certified insurance counselor and business account executive with Hummel Group Inc. She grew up in Louisiana and met her husband, Todd, a native of Coshocton, when both were in the military.

Today, Stoffer is a certified insurance counselor (CIC) and business account executive in the commercial department of Hummel Group Inc. – often in the Berlin office.

“It was through a friend’s recommendation that I discovered Hummel Group,” she said. “It’s an insurance agency established in 1957, where the familial atmosphere remains. I collaborate with my team to manage a substantial portfolio of clients. Beyond managing existing accounts, I also have the privilege to secure new business opportunities.”

“Building meaningful connections with my clients is at the core of my approach,” she added.

Stoffer grew up in Lafayette, Louisiana, “in the vibrant culture of South Louisiana,” she noted. She graduated from high school there in 2006, then earned a bachelor’s degree in business administration.

“How did I end up in Coshocton County?” she asked. “The answer is simple. My husband, a native of Coshocton, led me here. Our paths crossed during our service in the military, proudly serving in the Air Force.”

Stoffer enlisted in the Air Force in 2009.

“Stationed in north Louisiana,” she said, “fate intervened as I met my husband, Todd. Our military journey led us to Guam, where we spent four years, and it was during this time that our family expanded with the arrival of our two children.

“Following the birth of our children,” she continued, “a realization dawned upon me the nomadic military life wasn’t conducive to raising a family. Hence, we decided to settle in my husband’s hometown in Ohio in 2014. My career path took several turns as I searched for the right fit. From working in a small healthcare software company to a stint at the guard base in Mansfield, my journey eventually led me to the Village of West Lafayette as the village administrator.”

Stoffer started with the Hummel Group in 2021.

“From day one, I knew Heather would be a vital member of our team,” said co-worker Sarah Sheely, the business account manager team lead at Hummel Group. “She dove right into the deep end of the insurance world and picked it up quickly. She is a team player that goes the extra mile not only for clients but also her co-workers. I call Heather our Chaos Coordinator. Wherever there’s a need, she readily jumps in to help organize and better serve co-workers and clients.”

“On the flip side,” Sheely added, “Heather makes life fun – whether it’s dressing up like a penguin to make others smile or filling a co-worker’s office with balloons and signs to celebrate their birthday. I’m thankful to have her as a co-worker and blessed to call her a friend.”

“I’m genuinely content with the path my life has unfolded,” Stoffer concluded. “It has played a significant role in shaping the person I am today. Surprisingly, I'm even grateful for the challenges I encountered along the way, as they have contributed to my resilience and strength. Each trial has served as a valuable lesson, altering my perspective on various situations and the individuals I encounter in my journey.”

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Aces of Trades is a weekly series focusing on people and their jobs – whether they’re unusual jobs, fun jobs or people who take ordinary jobs and make them extraordinary. If you have a suggestion for a future profile, let us know at

This article originally appeared on Coshocton Tribune: Military led Heather Stoffer to the area, in a roundabout way
