Achoo! Oh no, you're sick! Here are 4 things to order from Louisville area restaurants

Soothe symptoms of the cold, flu, or COVID-19 with these must-have products
Soothe symptoms of the cold, flu, or COVID-19 with these must-have products

Remember when if you were stuck at home sick your only options for food (or anything!) were whatever you had on hand? I’ll always kick myself for not inventing Uber Eats the time my husband and I were both sick in a hotel in New York and I kept thinking what I wouldn’t give for delivery of saltines and Gatorade.

Well, times have changed and now when we’re laid up on the couch with COVID-19, the flu, a tummy bug, or any of the other delights going around, we can at least eat well.

And by well, I mean comfort food, but also things that can help us heal up and get back out into the world sooner. Thanks to the likes of DoorDash (now basically a verb) and InstantCart, there’s very little in Louisville that we can’t have brought to our door.

Before we go any further, please remember to tip well if you use these services. These folks are braving crowded stores, long lines, traffic, and weather to bring your fill-in-the-blank directly to your door. Can you even put a value on that?

For some thoughts on what exactly to order if feeling under the weather, I chatted with Bonnie Logsdon, a registered dietician for the last 20 years, who primarily helps expecting and new mothers through her practice Bonnie Knows Breast. And it’s not just about nutrition, she says.

“When you're sick and not feeling good, food can be like a mental boost," she says. Eating yummy food, she adds, feels good and can help you feel better.

That said, it is best to steer away from foods high in sugar, or heavily processed, she notes. They can increase inflammation or contribute to feeling worse, depending on your malady. And even though you can have your adult beverage of choice delivered, definitely avoid alcohol and its dehydrating effects, Logsdon says.

But those few restrictions don’t mean you can’t have any fun, though!

The Raspberry Smoothie at Sunergos Coffee is raspberry blended with non-fat yogurt or ice cream.
The Raspberry Smoothie at Sunergos Coffee is raspberry blended with non-fat yogurt or ice cream.

Some of the tastiest food in Louisville can also have health or immunity-boosting effects. Think warm, brothy things, Logsdon says, especially like pho, the Vietnamese soup loaded with goodness like protein-packed chicken or beef (protein is critical in recovering, she says) and restorative minerals in a bone-based broth. Or whole-foods packed salads with a rainbow of colors, or a veggie and fruit packed smoothie or juice.

From the grocery store, think hydration without added sugar, Logsdon says. If plain water isn’t interesting, try adding fresh fruit to it, she says. Or my personal favorite: coconut water. Yes, it has natural sugars, but not like soda or sports drinks, and when something tastes good, naturally, we’ll drink more of it, she says.

Many grocery stores also offer prepared meals, she notes. Those can be a lifesaver especially if you’re the caregiver in your family and aren’t up for cooking for yourself, let alone everyone else. Pro tip: With a $35 order, you don’t have to have a subscription to InstantCart, Logsdon says.

So: what shall we order?

Beef Pho from Louisville's Vietnamese restaurants

Beef Pho at Pho Ba Luu in Louisville.
Beef Pho at Pho Ba Luu in Louisville.

Unfortunately, my favorite brothy noodle meal ― Taiwanese Beef Noodle Soup ― isn’t available for delivery from Neighbors Noodles, 835 E. Main St., (but if you have a friend who cares and will deliver the food with love, that’s way better than asking a stranger).

Another delicious option is the beef pho from Pho Ba Luu, 1019 East Main St. Honestly, just a whiff of the fresh herbs, savory broth, and warm spices makes me feel better. Eatz Vietnamese Restaurant, 2244 Frankfort Ave. also has a tasty pho, and my tip here is to order an extra side of the broth just for additional sipping.

Fresh, seasonal produce from In Season Harvest Kitchen

Various grocery items in paper bag on white table opposite gray wall. Bag of food with fresh vegetables, fruits, pasta and canned goods.
Various grocery items in paper bag on white table opposite gray wall. Bag of food with fresh vegetables, fruits, pasta and canned goods.

I’ve had In Season Harvest Kitchen, 324 W Main St., on repeat since I first started lunching at this downtown eatery. It shines at bringing us the best of what’s in season, and without fail, is always delicious. Choose from one of its favorites like a roasted delicata squash, chili maple Brussel sprouts, and chicken bowl, or build your own with an abundance of veggies, greens, and protein.

Smoothies or acai bowls from Lueberry

Menu items at Lueberry Acai.
Menu items at Lueberry Acai.

If you’re not feeling solid food, how about a fresh juice or smoothie? Keep in mind if you’re taking a smoothie route, “I do tend to not go toward some of these things that are adding a powder into it,” Logsdon says, “because … if you're not able to really see it before you order it, what is it? You know, is there a lot of sugar in there?” Instead, lean toward something that may just be more fruit and vegetable-based.

A colorful selection is on hand at Lueberry, 808 E Market St., where online ordering makes it easy to add and subtract ingredients. And if someone else in your family wants fork-and-spoon food, it also has acai bowls, wraps, salads, and other goodies.

Coconut water, herbal teas from the grocery store

Coconut water makes a great morning drink alternative for those taking a break from coffee.
Coconut water makes a great morning drink alternative for those taking a break from coffee.

If you’re taking the grocery route, here are some things to consider putting in your basket: coconut water (if you haven’t had Harmless Harvest brand, it’s hands down my favorite), herbal tea, citrus (think oranges and clementines), and bone broth.

Happy healing!

Tell Dana! Send your restaurant “Dish” to Dana McMahan at and follow @elleferafera on Instagram.

This article originally appeared on Louisville Courier Journal: What to order from Louisville restaurants when you are sick
