Ashland County students receive Samaritan Hospital Foundation scholarships

The Samaritan Hospital Foundation offered scholastic awards to graduates residing in Ashland County, UH Samaritan Medical Center employees and their immediate family members.

To be eligible, applicants must be enrolled or accepted in an accredited program in the areas of nursing, medicine, or allied medical studies.

Samaritan Hospital Foundation (SHF) increased its support for the next generation of nursing and allied medical students by increasing total grants to the highest amount to date, reaching $139,500 supporting 53 students.

Samaritan Hospital Foundation
Samaritan Hospital Foundation

Award recipients are:

Emma Agee, Samaritan Hospital School of Nursing Alumni Scholastic Award

Allison Barr, Gounder & Ponnammal Scholastic Award

Cody Luke and Mary Dever, Elizabeth Myers Mitchell Scholastic Award

Sarah Lysinger, Alice E Stinchcomb Award

Anthony Baumann, Amanda Finger and Andrew Fulk, Nancy J. Stockwell Scholastic Award

Aubrey Callahan, Elyse Oxenrider, Camryn Butts and Maggie Hellickson, SHF North Central State College Scholastic Award

Bailey Davis and Francis Dinsmore, Dr. Philip E. Myers Medical Scholastic Award

Katia Ringler and Brooklyn Schmitz, Paul R. Myers Medical Scholastic Award

Griffin Adkins, Rebekah Kaufman and Maria Welch, Samaritan Hospital Foundation Presidential Scholastic Award

Gingerine Beard, Parker Beard, Cayla Bohl, Gavin Finger, Clowie Flinner, Emma Flinner, Sophia Goon, Nathon Meikle, Ashley Sparks, Megan Chance, Ramey Adkins, Jada Baker, Bryn Grabowski, Kailey Bradley, Natalee Buzzard, Emily Fry, Sydney Fry, Taylor Garver, Alyssa Henley, Elly Keener, Reese Landis, Aubrianna Lugli, Travis Nalley, Aidan Neibert, Bailey Parsons, Nate Schemine, Cameron Sloter, Chloe Smith, Emma VanAtta, Maximillian Steinhouser, David “Andrew” Swartz, Erica VanStee, Grant Wallery, Alena Wasielewski and Maxwell Zywica, Samaritan Hospital Foundation Scholastic Awards

This article originally appeared on Ashland Times Gazette: Ashland County students earn Samaritan Hospital scholastic awards
