Australian Shepherd Dog Mom Shares a DIY Enrichment Activity All Dogs Will Love


All dogs need to be both physically and mentally stimulated every day, and sometimes it's hard for working paw-rents to make sure their pooches are getting the exercise they need each day. Ember is an adorable Australian Shepherd, and we all know that those are busy dogs! Her mom shared a fun, inexpensive DIY enrichment activity that she made for her, and I can't wait to make my dog one!

Ember's mom made her a snuffle mat, which will stimulate your dog's nose and mind. All you need is a plastic sink mat, strips of fleece fabric, some scissors, and some of your dog's favorite treats. Watch on to see how simple it is to make the mat, and how much Ember loves it!

What an easy and inexpensive activity! It looks like it would be fun to make and it's simple enough that even your kids could help put it together. Since dogs can only see certain colors, it might be a good idea to use those colors, hues of blues and yellows.  Commenters all agreed that the snuffle mat sounds like a great idea and is worth trying out. One commenter said simply, "I may have to try this!" and Ember's mom replied, "Let us know how it turns out!"

Related: Dog Trainer Lists 5 Great Enrichment Activities for Pups That Don’t Involve Food

Fun and Simple Enrichment Activities for Dogs

Dogs can become bored very easily, and one of the ways that pet owners can keep them from becoming destructive is through enrichment activities. Some people give their dogs a Kong stuffed with treats to keep them busy, while others buy chew treats or bully sticks for them to chew away on for hours. While we'd all love to keep our dogs entertained all day long, we also know that's impossible. But there are some fun things you can do to keep them occupied, and they don't have to cost a fortune.

Many dogs love to chase, and one of my dog's favorite things to do is chase bubbles. You can make your own bubbles to blow or buy them at the store. They even have bubble machines that will do all the work for you so. You can also find automatic ball throwing machines that can keep them busy for long periods of time...and will wear them out! Hiding treats for them to find is also a fun adventure and you can do it indoors or outdoors. Turning on the TV to a Bluey cartoon or other dog friendly show can hold their interests as well.

Another fun idea in the same article was to take your dog on a sniffing adventure. I love this idea because if you try to get your steps in every day, taking your dog with you on a walk can kill two birds with one stone. "When you take your dog on walks, encourage him to sniff. Sniffing tires dogs out and it helps them relax. Every now and then, stop on a walk, let the leash become extra loose and tell her to “go sniff!” Once he’s starting to lose interest, then say, “let’s go” and resume your walk. You can even use a longer leash specifically for your dog’s “Sniffaris.” Your dog will learn that, when you use this long leash, he’ll be able to sniff to his heart’s content."

I love DIY enrichment activities like these! Make sure to mix up the activities so your dog doesn't get bored, and make sure to offer them lots of love and praise while you're interacting with them. It's their favorite part of the day!

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