Baby Finally Learns to Kiss Golden Retriever Back and Total Sweetness Ensues

Shutterstock/New Africa

It's not often that I stumble across a TikTok and immediately think, I can't wait to share this, but that's exactly what happened when I found this one! Air Bud Kobe is an adorable Golden Retriever who is big brother to his human sister. He fell in love with her instantly when she was born last summer, and the two are best friends.

Kobe's mom has been recording the two of them together for over a year. Kobe loves the baby so much and is constantly kissing her. Mom shared a video on Monday, August 19th of the day she's been waiting for since bringing the baby home, and it will make you smile! After a year of capturing videos of Kobe kissing the baby, the baby finally kissed Kobe back! It's the cutest thing you'll see today!

Oh, my heart! This got me right in all the feelers and I may have even shed a happy tear...and I don't even know Kobe or the baby! The song choice was perfect too. @Dorothy felt the same way, "I’m crying!!!! This is pure love!" @Jennifer H also got emotional, "This just made me cry a little so sweet!!"

Related: Baby's Sweet Giggles Over Dog Kissing Her Tiny Toes Are Just Perfect

The Bond Between Babies and Dogs

We all love seeing our fur babies and our human babies together, and it's so heartwarming to watch because the dog just knows that it has to be gentle with the baby, even if the baby isn't always so gentle with the dog! The bond they develop is like the one that siblings develop, and it's so wonderful to see the love between the two.

I remember bringing home our first baby, and the reaction that our dogs had to him. They sniffed and kissed him and laid directly underneath wherever he was. They were instant babysitters and protectors and couldn't get enough of him...unless he was crying in which case they showed concern and then went to find a quieter place to hang out!

How can you tell if your dog loves your new baby? They show their love in many different ways. Tail wags are always a tell, as is the dog wanting to be near the baby. When your dog stares at you, they're admiring and loving you, which is what Kobe did throughout this video. Just like when you are in love and stare at your significant other and 'gaze' into each other's eyes, dogs do the same. Oxytocin (the feel-good hormone) rushes into your brain when you're in love, and the same thing happens to your dog.

Our scents are very important to our dogs and smelling them makes the dog feel secure and safe. It's actually one of the strongest bonds they have with us. I bet Kobe's tries to 'steal' the baby's clothing and blankets - they always want to be near us and be able to smell us.

I hope Kobe's mom continues to share videos of him with the baby because I love watching the interactions between fur babies and their human siblings. I can't wait to see all of the firsts that they experience together!

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