Bachelor’s Daisy Kent Responds to Troll Who Commented on Her ‘Vocal Fry’

Bachelors Daisy Kent Responds to Troll Who Commented on Her Vocal Fry
Daisy Kent Courtesy of Daisy Kent/Instagram

The Bachelor’s Daisy Kent clapped back at a troll who commented on how she speaks.

“Usually I don’t respond to negative or mean comments,” Daisy, 25, who is currently competing for Bachelor Joey Graziadei’s affections, began via Instagram on Tuesday, February 20, adding that she’s received “a lot of comments” about her voice. She included a comment from one user who wrote, “How can y’all listen to that vocal fry.”

“I know I don’t have to explain myself but I do have a cochlear implant, which is how I hear,” Daisy said. “And I can’t always tell exactly what my voice is sounding like. I can’t always tell if I’m being loud or if I’m being quiet, or if I have a vocal fry or if I don’t.”

Daisy added that “it’s sad” because when she receives hurtful comments from users, it makes her “think about the way that [she’s] talking.”

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“And it is sad because losing my hearing and getting a cochlear implant is something that really affected my confidence,” she shared. “And the show, all of the producers, all of the cast, it was such, like, a confidence builder for me and everyone was so supportive of me.”

She continued, “And it’s just, like, unfortunate that people online have to comment and stuff like this that make me in my head about the way that I talk and speak.”

Daisy added in the caption of her post that being a contestant on the hit ABC reality show was “hard” for her because she knew she wouldn’t be met entirely with “kindness and understanding.” She noted that she’s “very thankful” for the people who have “uplifted” her.

“My voice is not something I can always tell & these comments do hurt because I am human,” she wrote. “Overall, they remind me how proud I should be for doing something & sharing a vulnerable part of me.”

She continued, “They remind me that the dm I get from a 15 year old girl telling me that me being on #thebachelor gave her more confidence, inspired her, and made her feel less alone matters more than the people like this who try to bring down something I have worked so hard to build up within myself. Reminder to be kind.”

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Throughout season 28 of The Bachelor, Daisy has been candid about using a cochlear implant after a battle with lyme disease affected her hearing. After the season premiere in January, she shared a clip via TikTok where she struggled to hear what another contestant was saying to her.

The episode cut to Daisy’s confessional, where she shared, “All the girls are super nice but I do feel overwhelmed because I can’t really hear that well with that much noise going on. I’m new to having a cochlear implant and I didn’t think it was going to be this overwhelming to me.”

In her video, Daisy paused the clip and explained, “For me, walking into a big room and there’s a lot of voices and a lot of noises bouncing off the wall no matter where I am, it can be a little bit overwhelming because there’s so much sound coming in from different areas.”

Daisy noted that when she’s with new people and doesn’t “know their mannerisms” or “facial expressions” it’s challenging for her to understand what they’re saying.

“Although this is amazing,” Daisy said as she pointed to her cochlear implant, “it can still be overwhelming at times.”

The Bachelor airs on ABC Mondays at 8 p.m. ET.
