Backpacks, new friends and big smiles: Bethel School District welcomes students back

The first day at the average elementary school is filled with high fives, bright smiles, some tears and an abundance of embraces as kids say goodbye to their families before embarking on a new school year.

The first day at Malabon Elementary School was no different on Tuesday morning.

At Malabon, nearly all of the school's 330 students started back in school Tuesday — grades 1-9 all started classes at Bethel School District. Kindergarten was partially back as well, with Bethel participating in "Smart Start," which splits kinder students into cohorts for the first few days of the year.

"For me, it's just excitement at this point, I don't really get nervous," Principal Nathan Bridgens said. "I just get excited to see the kids and welcome them into the school. It's just super exciting. We make really great connections with students."

Like Bridgens, many students were excited more than nervous for the first day back.

Nicole Hopkins and her daughter Madison are new to Malabon, having transferred from Prairie Mountain School. Madison said she was excited to start first grade, despite the transition.

"I really want to get really good grades," Madison said. "I've really always wanted to do science."

Another excited student was kindergartener Lucian Fenn, who came with his mom, Rachel Fenn, and his older sister Ember Lee Fenn, who was starting ninth grade at Willamette High later Tuesday morning.

Lucian showed off his new dinosaur backpack, travel toothbrush and yellow sneakers that he got for school. His mom said he had a "blast" at Project Hope, which provides back-to-school necessities to over 3,000 local students every year.

Lucian Fenn walks in with his family, ready for his first day in kindergarten.
Lucian Fenn walks in with his family, ready for his first day in kindergarten.

While Lucian was eager to get in the building, Rachel was feeling nervous and Ember Lee had "anxiety through the roof" about starting at Willamette High this year. Ember Lee said she was excited for Lucian to attend Malabon, which she said seems a lot better than the elementary school she attended in Mississippi. The family moved to Eugene two years ago.

"I'm going to make a lot more friends," Lucian said.

Elizabeth McBride and Christopher Singhose walked their first grader up to Malabon Tuesday morning. McBride said the hardest part of back-to-school is getting back into the routine.

"(But) the good part is just like the excitement that she feels, watching her be so excited about it for last week," McBride said. "She hasn't been quiet about how excited she is to go back to school."

McBride said her daughter had already met her teacher and picked out her seat in class. She advised new parents of young students to go with the flow during back to school.

Students walk to classes during the first day of school at Malabon Elementary School on Tuesday.
Students walk to classes during the first day of school at Malabon Elementary School on Tuesday.

For new educators, staff and students, Bridgens also offered advice to feel equipped.

"First-day advice for staff, just have fun, get to know your kids and teach your teams," Bridgens said. "Right away they need to know, 'How do I move about the school? What do I do if I need to go to the restroom?' All the first things.

"For students again, just have fun, connect with others. Ask for help if you need it. There's tons of adults around that are at school to help."

Bethel School District sets expectations, goals for 2024-25 school year

In 2023, Bethel launched a new four-year strategic plan: "The Bethel Blueprint." Bridgens said at the school level, they will be putting that plan into action.

Bridgens highlighted several key goals that will be a focus this year: improve reading, build a sense of belonging, offer more professional learning community systems, implement multitiered support systems and provide a fun learning environment for students.

Malabon Elementary Principal Nathan Bridgens greets students during the first day of school.
Malabon Elementary Principal Nathan Bridgens greets students during the first day of school.

The start of the school year is a key moment for establishing that sense of belonging for students and staff. Bridgens said once students know expectations and routines, they feel more safe and willing to participate in their learning.

"Right from the beginning, teachers connect with students and family," Bridgens said. "It started with a meet your teacher event, just getting to know students, and then having a lot of fun activities within the classroom."

All Bethel schools have meet-the-teacher-type events, where parents and students can explore the school, find their classrooms and meet their teachers.

Andres Luis Contreras, center, walks Andres Luis Santiago, left, and, Cattleya Luis Santiago to class during the first day of school at Malabon Elementary School Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024, in Eugene, Ore.
Andres Luis Contreras, center, walks Andres Luis Santiago, left, and, Cattleya Luis Santiago to class during the first day of school at Malabon Elementary School Tuesday, Sept. 3, 2024, in Eugene, Ore.

Andres Luis Contreras, the parent to two Malabon students, said he really enjoyed the meet-the-teacher event, where he met the teachers for his first and third graders. Although both his children's teachers are new to them, Contreras said he had already met them through past events.

"I always try to bring snacks to the kids when I can, I always come to school events too, either it's me or my wife," Contreras said. "(With the meet the teacher event), we know who they're going to instead of just being surprised like we used to do back in the day."

Bethel grades 10-12 begin classes Wednesday. Eugene School District 4J and Springfield Public Schools kick off their first days of school on Wednesday and Thursday.

Miranda Cyr reports on education for The Register-Guard. You can contact her at or find her on Twitter @mirandabcyr.

This article originally appeared on Register-Guard: Bethel School District welcomes students back for 2024-25
