The Best Way To Save Money at ALDI, According to a Lifelong ALDI Shopper

It's all about timing.

<p>Simply Recipes / Getty Images</p>

Simply Recipes / Getty Images

I often run late. Sometimes, it’s my fault—I’ve misjudged traffic or tried to send one last email before I run out the door. Sometimes, it’s the fault of other household members, including the dog.

I’ve learned, though, that if I want to get in on some of the best bargains at ALDI, I have to get there early.

After shopping at ALDI my entire life and even writing a book of ALDI recipes, I’ve gotten to know the clerks at my favorite stores. One clerk let me in on a secret: ALDI has to sell all of its meats, fish, and seafood the day before its sell-by date.

Each night, someone marks down everything nearing its sell-by date, meaning the best bargains are available the next morning. To move the most perishable products out of the store, the meats and fish are marked up to 50 percent off.

<p>Simply Recipes / ALDI</p>

Simply Recipes / ALDI

How Shopping Early at ALDI Pays Off

Most ALDI stores open around 9 a.m. I try to get there right when the doors open, but I’ve found bargains as late as 10:30 a.m.

I initially discovered an item marked 50 percent off later in the day because I used to shop in the late afternoon, right after dropping my kiddo off at gymnastics. In passing, a clerk said, “Oh, usually, they’re gone by now.” That’s when she explained how they mark down their products.

Since learning that, I’ve bought whole organic chickens for $4, more than three pounds of ground beef for $5, and lots of chicken breasts and chicken thighs for $3 to $4.  I’ve also found fresh tilapia for $4 and ground lamb for $3.

This is a huge money-saver for me—with a growing, athletic teen boy, my household goes through a lot of protein.

I usually buy two or three packages of marked-down meat at a time. I try to leave some for other shoppers unless only one or two packages remain. If I’m not using all of the meat or fish for dinner, I toss the entire package into my basement freezer. That way, it stays fresh until I need it for a meal.

ALDI also marks down bread and baked goods 50 percent off or $1 to $2 off when they near their sell-by dates. I'll buy extras and then toss them in the freezer, too. I have learned from ALDI staff that if there's a $1-off and $2-off sticker on the same product, it’s $3 off.

You can get even better deals shopping after holidays when turkeys and hams are marked down, especially if the store over-anticipated the demand. That’s how I got an entire turkey for $16 and a giant ham for $10. My family didn’t mind celebrating an extra Thanksgiving in February or Easter in May.

Read the original article on Simply Recipes.
