Biden should have attended the Army-Navy football game. Why wasn't he there?

We are now supporting two wars with billions of our tax dollars. Our military, and now even our embassy in Iraq, it seems are coming under fire on a daily basis. Morale is at such a low point that the only branch of our military that reached it's recruitment quota for this year is the Marines.

Yet, instead of showing support for the members of our armed services, President Joe Biden was AWOL at the Army-Navy football game. In fact, since he has become president he has not attended the 2021, 2022, or 2023 game.

Navy fullback Alex Tecza (46) carries the ball during the second half of the Army-Navy Game at Gillette Stadium.
Navy fullback Alex Tecza (46) carries the ball during the second half of the Army-Navy Game at Gillette Stadium.

Thirty-three members of the Army football team are graduating and with the world it seems getting closer to a major conflict these young men, along with their Navy brothers, could be leading our sons and daughters into battle.

However, instead of showing respect for these fine young men and women that attend West Point and the Navel Academy, the president instead attended a fundraising dinner.

Armand Rose

North Arlington

This article originally appeared on Joe Biden: Why didn't president attend Army-Navy football game
