Bre Tiesi on ‘Selling Sunset’ Season 8 and Where the Cast Stand Now

bre tiesi on selling sunset season 8 and where the cast stand now
Bre Tiesi Spills on 'Selling Sunset' Season 8 Netflix

Selling Sunset is back for season eight, and if there's one person who is in the thick of it, it's Bre Tiesi. The 33-year-old might have only joined the Netflix series in season six, but she's already a mainstay when it comes to The Oppenheim Group.

Here, she gives her side of the story when it comes to the Chelsea Lazkani situation, what it was actually like to attend Niko the dog's funeral, and where she stands with Chrishell Stause and Emma Hernan now. You're welcome.

Hey Bre, have you watched Selling Sunset season 8 back yet?

Unfortunately, I have had to relive it multiple times. It's never easy to watch, because it's like PTSD reliving everything and rehashing it out months later after we've all sorted it out and calmed down. And then everybody sees it again and everyone's upset again.

Nobody on the cast is ever happy fully with their edit. It's TV, you know... We still have a job, it's still a TV show. It's always interesting to see how it pans out, because we have no control over what makes it into show and what doesn't.

It's not that things don't occur, and it's not that these situations aren't real. But some things are more entertaining if they're done a certain way. I think people forget that. Y'all wouldn't be watching if there wasn't something to watch.

What happened with your house flip?

I have actually decided to keep it. I rented it out instead of selling, because the market's just so bad. Even if I want to sell it, I would lose so much. It just doesn't make sense. So renting it out is the move for right now.

I didn't go with everything that [Jason and Romain] recommended [on the house]. I did the things that I thought were the better fixes for the house and aesthetic. I definitely spent more than he told me to spend, for sure.

bre tiesi on selling sunset season 8 and where the cast stand now

Thanks really kicked off between you and Chelsea this season. Do you feel like the show is a fair representation of what happened?

Yes and no. It's kind of up to the viewer. For the most part, the facts are there. Anyone that really watches it from a neutral stance should be able to figure out what's going on and what transpired.

But the thing about the internet is everyone's opinions become a reality to them, and whatever people want to believe is kind of the narrative. It's never all going to make the cut.

Where do you stand with Chelsea now?

I'll never be cool with Chelsea. I've tried that twice now, and you know, we actually had discussed everything, and I thought we were moving forward. And then, you know, this situation happens, and she takes three steps back. She's just being Chelsea, so I'm gonna just let her do her and I just keep mine on my own.

We're done, we've been done. I honestly was not in a good place with her after last season... I saw season seven and I was like, 'Wow, you really were doing all of this behind my back.' We were talking about doing TikToks together, and coming out, being cool, and just all the things that we had going on... It was definitely hurtful, but not unexpected, so I kind of just know what it is.

bre tiesi on selling sunset season 8 and where the cast stand now

What are your thoughts on how things played out with Chelsea, Emma and Chrishell?

Well, they knew the information. They've known. They can sit here and paint whatever narrative helps them to not be attacked online, or however it is that they want to be perceived. But they were all very aware of this scene before it happened. They were aware of everything that was going on.

A lot of people say that our show is scripted and it truly is not. But when it came to such a sensitive subject, I wasn't gonna blindside [Chelsea], so I made that very clear. If you really watch it, and you really pay attention, you see many times that I said, 'Y'all knew, you guys all knew this.' So make me the bad guy all you want, but I'm just telling you what I heard.

All three [of them] know very well that none of them were blindsided on camera. So this whole narrative is very comedic to me. I think it's quite ridiculous.

How are things with Emma and Chrishell now?

I have no idea where I stand with Chrishell. But I don't have problem with Chrishell at all, I just haven't spoken her. We talked a little bit, and we had a couple scenes after [Niko's funeral.] When we were done filming, I extended an invite to my birthday just to be nice. But she travels a lot, she's with G [Flip] a lot and she was doing a tour. I didn't really put any pressure on her - I figured I would run into her when we film again, and I'll be able to see where she stands. But regardless, I respect her as a woman and as a friend, and she can do whatever works for her."

I haven't spoken to the other two since they called me [in episode 7.] So I never spoke to them again, except for she wanted to corner me filming [at Niko's funeral], but that's about it.

bre tiesi on selling sunset season 8 and where the cast stand now

What was Niko's funeral like?

I feel like it was so on brand and so LA. I can't say that's my first dog funeral. In LA, all our restaurants are dog friendly and we just treat them like they're our kids and family members. I expected nothing else from [Jason and Mary.] They love Niko and Niko was everywhere with them. They shared custody of a dog, for God's sake! Think it's very clear how Niko was treated like a human. So I wasn't surprised at all, and I thought it was very cute. They did a good job.

Do you know when filming for season 9 will start?

We don't, actually, they haven't said anything to us. We don't have a timeline just yet, but I'm sure it'll be soon.

In terms of The Oppenheim Group, how do you feel about work at the moment?

To be honest, I kind of just dip in and out. I really only work with clients that I know and have personal relationships with. A lot of the stuff I can do from home, and it's great because I get to make my own schedule.

I saw Mary the other day, and I was at the office the other day with Jason. But I don't go in too often, because I live in Calabasas and it can take a minimum of an hour and a half to two hours [to go in] if I'm in traffic.

selling sunset's chrishell stause and amanza smith's stylist feud explained

How do you cope with the social media reaction to the show?

I read everything, ubt I don't take things like that personally. I don't know these people, andI don't really care about other people's opinions. I only really care about my family and my friends. I have great support, and I have really, really thick skin. I have been called everything in the book and I've been accused of everything. It's one of those things where, when you live in LA, you just kind of become numb to that aspect.

I always find it really interesting, the psychology of how people see things. Because we're all watching the same thing, but people see it so differently, and that's from their own personal life experience. So what does that have to do with me?

What would you like to see in future seasons of Selling Sunset?

I would rather not be fighting with Chelsea 24/7! I'd like to show a little bit more of my actual life. I love when I have [my son] Legend, or I have my own stuff that isn't based around us to going at it. That would be great. I'm not really asking for much!

Watch 'Selling Sunset' on Netflix

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