Britons trapped in Gaza will be supported by UK government, foreign secretary vows

Foreign Secretary James Cleverly insists the UK will maintain support for Britons trapped in Gaza.

Speaking to Sky News’ Trevor Phillips On Sunday Morning programme, the cabinet minister said that while it was proving “incredibly difficult” to open the Rafah border crossing into Egypt, he is working with international counterparts to establish safe passage for UK nationals out of the besieged enclave.

“This is very important for the British nationals in Gaza,” he said.

“We continue to support them, we continue to update them as much as we can through, text messaging and whatever other means is available.

“We will keep supporting the British nationals in Gaza and we will keep working with the US, with the Israelis and others to try and bring this crossing into use.”

Mr Cleverly’s comments come ahead of an imminent offensive by the Israeli military.
