Returned to the flock: Stolen pink penguin dropped off at Durham hotel, police say

An iconic, fuchsia landmark has been returned to its home after it temporarily went missing from downtown Durham during an apparent robbery.

Durham police tweeted Tuesday that someone or some people had walked off with one of the life-size, brightly colored penguins outside the 21c Hotel on North Corcoran Street.

The hotel and art museum is off CCB Plaza and across the street from downtown’s tallest building, the 27-story One City Center.

“Our iconic fuchsia penguins are not only valuable ambassadors of 21c Durham, but they are truly fine art created specifically for their permanent home here on North Corcoran Street,” 21c general manager Ronald Morin said in a statement.

Police said a group was inside the hotel around 10 p.m. on Jan. 15. A witness reported seeing a man carrying the flightless bird away. He was also captured on camera holding the nearly 4 foot tall, hot-pink penguin.

“It’s our ultimate goal to safely reunite our missing member back with the rest of the flock,” Morin said.

In a turn of events, just after 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Durham police and hotel management confirmed that the statue “was dropped off on the curb outside the hotel.”

The stolen penguin is one of several on display at 21c. The sculptures are part of a limited number created for the hotel and cost nearly $5,000 per bird.

Durham police have not yet made any arrests.

Anyone with information is encouraged to call G.W. Walcutt with the Durham police at 919-683-1200.
