Cape Cod Times Photo Shoot: Chipmunks are not camera shy

It has been a big summer for Tamias striatus in the neighborhood. The arrival of autumn only makes this worse. Tamias goes by the alias Mr. Chippy in our yard. Yes, I am talking about the eastern chipmunk. The small striped rodents are best known for their long running antics as the cartoon characters in "Chip 'n Dale." They got their start as Disney regulars back in 1943. Then ā€œAlvin and the Chipmunksā€ got a TV debut, and a singing rodent debut in 1958 with a Christmas song.

The adorable little critters are indeed photogenic and not a bit shy about posing. Informal experimentation shows they wonā€™t bolt until the shutterbug moves inside their 10-foot comfort zone. As the oak trees in the area have grown large over the last 40 years shedding large acorn crops the squirrel and chipmunk populations have dramatically increased. If they stuffed their cute cheeks full of only nuts, it would be fine. But the vandalism starts up in early spring when they wake from hibernation.

The neighborhood chipmunk keeps a wary eye on the incoming traffic from its perch over a storm drain which doubles as an emergency shelter when it needs a quick escape on Sept. 18, 2024.
The neighborhood chipmunk keeps a wary eye on the incoming traffic from its perch over a storm drain which doubles as an emergency shelter when it needs a quick escape on Sept. 18, 2024.

The small escape tunnel holes begin to show up in the lawn. An old wooden bench is a favorite hangout under the oak tree. They dig out its cement block foundation turning it into a rocking seat. When planting season arrives the confrontations escalate. Freshly tilled soil is a favorite, scatter a few zinnia or sunflower seeds and they are guaranteed to dig them up. Anything not ringed in fencing gets ransacked. Unguarded seedlings donā€™t stand a chance and are quickly chewed off, not eaten, just chewed. I am sure the local rabbit helps in this prank, but eyewitness accounts point the finger at Mr. Chippy.

Last yearā€™s tomato crop was set up on the deck atop crates, a ā€œraisedā€ raised bed garden. But the tenacious rodents came up the steps, on the deck rail and still found their prey, always waiting for the tomatoes to ripen, then swoop in for just a bite. An even higher raised bed on stilts this year finally foiled them but proved the perfect height for grazing deer to literally chew down to the soil.

Now that autumn has arrived, most of the flowers are gone and my chipmunk friend sits on the storm drain as the surviving sunflowers tower overhead along the street. Once the seeds ripen an enterprising squirrel will climb up a stalk and bring one down. Mr. Chippy will be waiting for the leftovers.

My only revenge is to sit back with a telephoto lens, play like a paparazzi, and stalk him with the camera.

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This article originally appeared on Cape Cod Times: Steve Heaslip's Photo Shoot: Chipmunk season
