Cargo ship strikes barrier beneath Brickell Avenue Bridge, police say

A cargo ship with containers stacked high bumped into a barrier underneath the Brickell Avenue Bridge early Tuesday afternoon, Miami police confirmed.

The vessel made contact with the barrier around noon, said Officer Kiara Delva, a Miami police spokeswoman.

The impact was caught on video that was sent to the X account of the popular video news company Only in Dade. The footage shows pieces of the barrier fall into the water as the ship’s bow hits it and proceeds underneath the bridge.

Delva said there was not any structural damage to the bridge and no injuries were reported.

“Vehicular traffic will continue to flow normally,” Delva said.

The U.S. Coast Guard issued a message to boaters informing them of the incident, but marine traffic under the bridge is open, and the drawbridge will continue to be raised for larger vessels, said Petty Officer 2nd Class Diana Sherbs.

The ship and cargo containers displayed the Antillean Marine Shipping Corporation label, which operates out of the Miami River. Questions from the Herald to the company about the incident were not immediately returned.

This story will be updated as more information becomes available.
