City commission approves parks plan, RHID public hearing

Feb. 28—The Abilene City Commission approved the 2024-2045 master parks plan and other items in their Feb. 26 regular meeting.

Regular Meeting

The commission first approved an ordinance which is a step in establishing a reinvestment housing incentive district in the downtown area. The ordinance states the city will create a plan about the housing and public facilities in the district and sets a date for a public hearing. The hearing will be April 8 during the city commission meeting. The district is 109, 111 and 113 NW Third Street for floors above the ground level. The properties' owner and developer is Rural Rental, LLC, owned by City Commissioner John Kollhoff.

According to the agenda document, the district "captures the incremental increase in property taxes by a housing development project for up to 25 years. The incremental increase can be used to pay debt service bonds issued to fund the project, or in this case, transferred to the developer as reimbursement for costs incurred..."

The commission approved the 2024-2045 master parks plan. The Planning Commission approved the plan Feb. 6, and the Recreational Commission approved it Feb. 12.

The commission then approved an amendment to the city's floodplain ordinance that updates the city's flood hazard data with updates the Federal Emergency Management Agency made last year. The city also needed the amendment to continue being in the National Flood Insurance Program. No major changes were made to the city's data.

The commission approved an agreement with Olsson Engineering for the City Connecting Link Improvement Program project for Buckeye Avenue between the Union Pacific Railroad track and Fifth Street. The cost of services is $150,925.

The commission approved the bid from Sargent Drilling for rehabilitation of wells 6 and 16. Brad Anderson, Public Works Department director, said Sargent Drilling was the only company to submit a bid after the department reached out to 45 well drilling companies and are the best company to do the job. Well 6 will cost $34,345, and well 16 will cost $39,919.72.

City manager report

Ron Marsh, city manager, said NW 14th Street's retaining wall and sidewalk south of the Abilene Cemetery are almost complete.

Construction of the Oak, Olive and Kuney Street waterline drainage will finish sometime in the next few weeks.

The city commission will be meeting with the Dickinson County Commission to discuss the NW 14th Street and Van Buren Street intersection project at 4 p.m. March 4 in the Dickinson County Commission's meeting room.

The Abilene Senior Center has a new ice machine, and vanities are being installed in the bathrooms.

A groundbreaking ceremony for Abilene Court, a housing development for older adults by Mennonite Housing, will be at 10 a.m. April 9.

Study session

The commission considered a road maintenance agreement with Grant Township. Marsh said the agreement reads the city would take over maintenance for North Vine Street and Grant Township will cover maintenance for 2400 avenue from K-15 to Hawk Road. Grant Township approved the agreement during their Feb. 13 meeting. Marsh said the square footage of both road sections are almost equal, and the agreement overall is a win-win.

The commission also considered accepting a franchise agreement from Twin Valley Communications for the company to provide telecommunications local exchange service. The agreement would allow Twin Valley to work within the city right-of-way. The agreement would be for two years, renewable and non-exclusive. The city would garner $1.75 each month per access line subscriber in the city.

The Abilene City Commission will next meet for their regular meeting at 4 p.m. March 11 in the Abilene Public Library.
