Coleman deserves to 'sail into the sunset'

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Seamus Coleman
[Getty Images]

Every Evertonian will have winced when Seamus Coleman stayed down following a collision with Harry Maguire at Aviva Stadium on Saturday.

Our captain, at the age of 35, is still the club’s first choice right-back and there lies the problem. But there is no player more loved and respected at our club than the man from Killybegs.

Our "60 grand" bargain buy has epitomised what it means to be an Evertonian since arriving in 2009. Fearless, selfless and proud, he has been - and continues to be - an on-pitch representative of those sitting in the stands.

I could quite easily write thousands of words about what he means to Everton but it would never truly do the man justice.

For someone who has given everything to the club, there is an argument to be made that the club he has served so well has let him down.

His legacy is in danger of becoming tarnished due to transfer market mistakes and poor recruitment strategy.

For instance, Nathan Patterson was brought in under an outgoing Rafael Benitez with one eye on replacing Coleman. However, injuries, lack of form and a failure to impress have impeded any notion of him becoming our starting right-back.

If anyone deserves to sail into the sunset after a fantastic career - in which he was one half of one of the best full-back partnerships in Premier League history - it is Seamus Coleman.

A player who needs saving from himself, at a time when there is no able deputy.

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