Common Cute Dog Behaviors Explained Are Making Everybody Smile

There are some behaviors that all dogs do that charm us humans to know end. I have a dog, and I bet I have more pictures of her on my phone than I do of my kids! Basepaws, a company that does genetic testing for cats and dogs, shared a video in mid-August of some of the cute common behaviors dogs display, as well as what they mean.

The video starts with a dog sleeping with their tongue sticking out looking totally adorable. This means that the dog is in a deep and relaxed state of sleep. They go on to show dogs cuddling with objects, circling their bed before laying down, and rolling over onto their backs and what it all means. Watch on to learn more!

Did you know what these behaviors meant? I think my favorite one that Basepaws shared is the one when dogs lay on their backs and show how much they trust their humans. My dog sleeps like that and it always cracks me up! And my dog's bed is full of objects she stolen from us to cuddle including socks, a blanket, and even the shirt my son wears to football practice (which really stinks but she loves)! She also gets made when we try to take them back!

Related: Chaos Ensues When Mama Dog Teaches Her Babies How To Do the Zoomies

More Common Dog Behaviors and Their Meanings

Do you know why your dog sometimes gives you the side eye? You know, when your pooch turns their head to the side and looks at you from the corner of their eyes. It's a judgey look, and sometimes they actually may be judging you! Another PetHelpful article explains it could mean they're anxious or afraid, curious about something, or even doubtful or weary of something or someone nearby.

Side eye is different from when your dog gives you whale eyes, "A relaxed side eye might signal subtle disapproval or skepticism in most cases, but a 'whale eye' is often more intense and indicates higher stress or discomfort. The term' whale eye' is used when the whites of the eyes are visible around the rim, a tell-tale sign that the animal is anxious or feels threatened."

Does your dog chase their tail? Mine is almost a year old and still does! She'll chase it until she makes herself dizzy and it's hilarious! Dogs do this as a form of entertainment, but sometimes it turns into a compulsion. It's usually nothing to worry about but check out these 10 ways to stop your dog from biting their tail if it bothers you.

And who can forget everybody's favorite, the zoomies. Does your dog every get a sudden burst of crazy energy and zoom all over the place? It's my favorite thing to see! A PetHelpful article explains, "The underlying reason for zoomies may vary based on the context in which they happen. Zoomies can be simply a manifestation of a dog's enthusiasm for life, it may be elicited from excitement and play, although in some cases, a bout of zoomies may take place after an uncomfortable or stressful event (stress or eustress) as the dog celebrates a sense of "relief.""

What's your dog's favorite cute behavior? Do you know what it means? Mine is definitely the zoomies, though I can't help but laugh when I get the side eye from her, too!

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