The ‘Daisy Jones & the Six’ Soundtrack Just Arrived a Whole Day Early (!)

daisy jones and the six
The ‘Daisy Jones & the Six’ Soundtrack Is Here!Amazon Prime

Fans of the bestselling book "Daisy Jones & The Six" have been waiting for the show adaptation for literal years. And one of the big questions the show brought with it was the music. Obviously, when you read a book about a rock band, you can read lyrics to songs, but there's no audio element to them. A huge job of the show was to create music that reflected the vibe and was also good, which is a pretty tall order. The last time someone did this really successfully was when Lady Gaga wrote the music for 2018's A Star is Born. Thankfully, the Daisy Jones team pulled it off.

The show premieres tomorrow, but Amazon Studios and Atlantic Records released the soundtrack a day early. "Look At Us Now" and "Regret Me" served as the two singles from the album, and "Regret Me" already has over two million plays. The soundtrack has everything you could possibly want from the show. Here's the track list:

  • "Aurora"

  • "Let Me Down Easy"

  • "Kill You to Try"

  • "Two Against Three"

  • "Look at Us Now (Honeycomb)"

  • "Regret Me"

  • "You Were Gone"

  • "More Fun to Miss"

  • "Please"

  • "The River"

  • "No Words"

No spoilers, but some of the songs on this album we only get a glimpse of in the show, so to be able to hear the full version is very, very cool. You can stream the whole thing here:

And there's also a radio version of "Look At Us Now" that isn't on that ^ list, which you can listen to here:

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