DeSantis declares state of emergency for possible Hurricane Helene. What does that do?

With just days to prepare, a new storm in the Caribbean is spinning up rapidly into what could become a powerful Hurricane Helene before it hits the Florida coast Thursday. Gov. Ron DeSantis has declared a state of emergency for 41 of Florida's 67 counties.

But what does that mean, exactly?

What does a 'state of emergency' in Florida mean?

A storm slams into the state. There is a massive run on gasoline. A pandemic drives death tolls higher. Some natural disaster strikes and threatens Floridians and then the announcement comes: "Governor declares State of Emergency in Florida."

According to Florida Law, “A state of emergency shall be declared by executive order or proclamation of the Governor if she or he finds an emergency has occurred or that the occurrence or the threat thereof is imminent."

What does declaring a state of emergency in Florida do? How does it help?

When disaster strikes, every minute counts. Declaring a state of emergency allows the state and local governments much more freedom to coordinate their emergency agencies, relax restrictions, cut through red tape and reallocate resources to quickly deal with an imminent or ongoing threat that local services can't handle on their own.

Once a state of emergency has been declared the governor may take "direct operational control" over any or all of the emergency management functions of the state and assign people to coordinate and direct them.

The governor may suspend regulations that would slow emergency response, commandeer or utilize any private property needed to deal with the emergency (with some restrictions), order evacuations, direct or delegate control of the National Guard to help rescue or cleanup operations, suspend the sale or transportation of alcoholic beverages, firearms, explosives and combustibles, establish emergency housing, limit power services as needed, impose or allow exceptions to curfews, and quite a bit more as needed by the specific emergency.

The declaration also triggers certain conditions:

  • It activates the emergency mitigation, response, and recovery parts of the state, local, and interjurisdictional emergency management plans

  • It authorizes control over the use and distribution of supplies, equipment, materials and facilities that have been readied for emergencies

  • In some cases, it grants authority for a health care practitioner licensed in another state to assist in providing health care in the disaster area

  • In some cases, it constitutes a formal request to the President of the United States to mobilize the military

Florida law also prohibits price gouging on goods and services during an emergency.

How does a state of emergency help with hurricanes and tropical storms in Florida?

Before, during or after a hurricane or tropical storm, the governor may declare a state of emergency to set up the chain of command for the emergency response and to grant those people broad leeway to cope with what's happening.

Here's the state of emergency declaration that Gov. Ron DeSantis signed when it became clear that Potential Tropical Cyclone Nine would threaten the coast of Florida.

With one signature, he did the following:

  • He designated a State Coordinating Officer and gave that person emergency powers

  • He invoked agreements between Florida and other states to coordinate resources

  • He asked for federal help if needed

  • He directed state, regional and governmental agencies to identify and provide personnel to help, including law enforcement

  • He suspended any state statute, rule or order that would prevent or delay any emergency response, and permitted local governments to do the same

  • He ordered the Florida National Guard and the Florida State Guard activated

  • He temporarily suspended all the rules regarding state agency budgets, purchasing, travel, and employment and employment compensation  as needed to deal with the emergency

  • He permitted local governments to enter into contracts, incur obligations, hire workers, use volunteers, rent equipment, acquire and distribute supplies, materials and facilities (with or without compensation)

And that's just the first five pages. The declaration also empowered the Secretary of the Department of Transportation to essentially do whatever was necessary to make evacuation routes and response access available, allowed pharmacists to dispense up to a 30-day emergency prescription refill, authorized the use of public facilities for shelters, allowed medical professionals and workers licensed outside Florida to help here, emphasized just how illegal price gouging goods and services during an emergency is, and more.

That's a powerful document.

During an established state of emergency, the governor also can help protect people whose financial situation would suffer from the natural disaster, such as extending deadlines for building permits and development orders, refunding or providing an extension on certain fees or taxes paid during the state of emergency, etc.

How long does a state of emergency last in Florida?

A declared state of emergency lasts until the governor signs a declaration ending it because the situation is no longer dire, or 60 days, whichever comes first. The governor may choose to extend it if conditions warrant it.

"The state of emergency shall continue until the Governor finds that the threat or danger has been dealt with to the extent that the emergency conditions no longer exist and she or he terminates the state of emergency by executive order or proclamation, but no state of emergency may continue for longer than 60 days unless renewed by the Governor.”

Are there different types of 'state of emergency' declarations?

The governor may restrict state of emergency declarations to individual counties or apply them to the entire state.

Local governments also may declare a state of emergency for their county or municipality to help reallocate resources and waive procedures and formalities relating to the performance of public work to take whatever action is necessary to insure the health, safety and welfare of the community.  Examples might be, among other things:

  • Entering into contracts

  • Employing permanent or temporary workers, using volunteer workers

  • Renting equipment; acquiring and distributing supplies

  • Appropriation and expenditure of public funds

A local state-of-emergency declaration can also be used to request state assistance or to invoke emergency-related mutual aid assistance.

A state of emergency declaration from a local government is, of course, much more limited and does not bring all the powers of the governor. Local governments can't use it to seize and use private property during an emergency, for example.

Local states of emergency last seven days and may be extended in 72-hour increments.

However, local emergency powers may be overruled by the governor, as happened when Gov. DeSantis suspended all local COVID emergency orders in May 2021.

The Florida Department of Health may also declare a public health emergency.

In 2017, after Hurricane Irma hit them hard, President Donald Trump declared a state of emergency for the Seminole Tribe of Florida, the first time that kind of declaration has ever been approved for a tribal nation. This allowed FEMA to assist the tribe.

Can law enforcement declare a state of emergency in Florida?

Yes. With the latest additions to Florida Statutes from the state's new so-called "anti-riot" laws, local sheriffs or designated officials may declare a state of emergency in the event of overt acts of violence or the imminent threat of them.

Florida law states: "Whenever the sheriff or designated city official determines that there has been an act of violence or a flagrant and substantial defiance of, or resistance to, a lawful exercise of public authority and that, on account thereof, there is reason to believe that there exists a clear and present danger of a riot or other general public disorder, widespread disobedience of the law, and substantial injury to persons or to property, all of which constitute an imminent threat to public peace or order and to the general welfare of the jurisdiction affected or a part or parts thereof, he or she may declare that a state of emergency exists within that jurisdiction or any part or parts thereof."

What happens when an anti-riot state of emergency is declared in Florida?

Some things become prohibited in the jurisdiction when a state of emergency has been declared for violence or threat of violence:

  • Sale of firearms and ammunition

  • Intentional display of ammunition or gun

  • Intentional possession in a public place of a firearm by anyone besides law enforcement or military

However, seizure or confiscation of legal firearms is specifically prohibited unless the person is committing a crime at the time.

The sheriff or official who declares the state of emergency may also, at their discretion:

  • Establish curfews

  • Prohibit sales, distribution, or public possession of alcohol

  • Close public places

  • Prohibit sales or transfers of gasoline or other flammable or combustible liquids except for gas going directly into a tank attached to a gasoline-powered motor

An anti-riot state of emergency can last up to 72 consecutive hours but may be extended.

Does the declaration of a state of emergency change gun laws? Can I still possess or transport a firearm during a declaration of emergency?

Except as noted above, a declaration of a state of emergency in Florida does not automatically change gun laws. The governor may suspend the sale, transfer or transportation of firearms but it isn't automatic. Florida laws specifically do not authorize taking your lawful firearms, even during a state of emergency, if you are not committing a crime.

During a declared state of emergency, you may carry a concealed firearm without a license while following a mandatory evacuation order.

This article originally appeared on Tallahassee Democrat: Florida declares state of emergency for storm in tropics. What now?
