Disconnect at Milwaukee Public Museum glaring. Who decided to drop Native pow wow exhibit?

Is it true? The Milwaukee Public Museum will not be taking the Native American powwow exhibit to their new digs (“Powwow scene won’t move with museum,” Aug. 18)?

Who is making these decisions? The disconnect is glaring. The land we’re now occupying once was settled by Native tribes. Land was purchased, settled and then Native Americans were summarily “moved” elsewhere. We did, however, hang on to Native American names.

This is a story told and retold through the centuries. What story is the museum telling? Shame on them.

Margaret Melville, Cedarburg

I'm mad and sad: Trump comments on Medal of Honor disrespects military and sacrifices of veterans

I attended both the RNC and DNC. Here’s what I saw from Republicans and Democrats.

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This article originally appeared on Milwaukee Journal Sentinel: Milwaukee museum will not take pow wow exhibit to its new facility
