Dramatic Golden Retriever's Facial Expressions Prove Dogs Can't Hide Their Feelings

Gert-Jan van Stein/Shutterstock

There are so many reasons to love dogs, from their unwavering love and loyalty to their silly ways of living in the moment. Life is never boring with a dog around, though some dogs tend to communicate a lot more than others. Whether it's with barks and whines or with distinct body language, there are so many ways that dogs can let you know what they're feeling--including their facial expressions!

As one emotional Golden Retriever proves every day, dogs have many more facial expressions than one may think. When you know what subtleties to look for, like ear position and face tension, you'll see a whole range of emotions. Just wait until you see this adorable compilation of the dog's faces--there's no room to doubt what Maui is thinking!

LOL! Maui is such a sweet and handsome dog, but some of these faces look so silly! I'm sure that, between his exuberant expressions and his Corgi sister Ruby's attitude, this pup's parents are constantly entertained. I know their TikTok viewers sure are!

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I don't think it's possible to pick a single favorite of Maui's facial expressions, but some of the commenter's honorable mentions include his brain freeze face and the infamous guilty face. Every dog has a tell-tale guilty face when they've eaten or destroyed something they're not supposed to, but Maui's squinting almost makes him look angry!

Personally, one of Maui's faces I love the most is his sleepy, squishy face. Some dogs, like Golden Retrievers, are blessed with long, floppy jowls, and it can be so entertaining to watch the way their face changes when their jowls flap around. It only adds to the cuteness!

Dog Body Language

Before becoming a dog owner myself, I had no idea how pup parents could understand what their fur baby was 'saying.' Don't all tail wags look the same? No way! Now that it's been 13 years since I rescued a dog, I understand just how much something as simple as a facial expression can tell a dog's owner.

For a while, I had to learn where to look and what to notice in my dogs' faces. Whether it's the position of a dog's ears, the wideness of their eyes, or the way they're holding their jaw, the tiniest of things can give away how they're feeling. A relaxed dog will result in a relaxed face, while a dog who's worried or unhappy will appear a lot more tense. Wide open eyes can indicate shock or fear, but it can also be a sign that they're feeling worked up and ready for the zoomies. It's all about the little things!

Maui has such vivid facial expressions that it's hard to misunderstand what he's trying to say. Making people laugh with his silly faces is only the cherry on top!

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