'Drawers going in the hall of fame': Shannon Sharpe addresses sex video

Shannon Sharpe came clean about a spicy Instagram live broadcast from Wednesday morning.

The ESPN NFL analyst said he inadvertently broadcast an Instagram livestream of him having sex with a woman Wednesday morning.

The since-deleted video of the room’s ceiling with sounds of an intimate encounter was widely shared on social media — and, initially, a post on Sharp’s account said it had been hacked.

Shannon Sharpe, head coach of Team Shannon watches the score during the 2024 Ruffles NBA All-Star Celebrity Game on Friday, Feb. 16, 2024, at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.
Shannon Sharpe, head coach of Team Shannon watches the score during the 2024 Ruffles NBA All-Star Celebrity Game on Friday, Feb. 16, 2024, at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis.

But on a special edition of the “Nightcap” podcast that he hosts with Chad “Ochocinho” Johnson, Sharpe said the recording was him and a ladyfriend and he broadcast the encounter by mistake.

What did Shannon Sharpe say about the video?

“Obviously I am embarrassed; someone that is extremely, extremely private and to have one of your most intimate details — the audio — heard for the entire world to hear. I’m embarrassed for a number of reasons,” he said on the podcast. “There are a lot of people that count on Shannon to be professional at all times. And I always try to be professional at all times, even when I’m behind closed doors.

“I’m very disappointed in myself; not for the act – I think there are millions and billions of people of consenting age that engage in activity – but to have your most intimate details – the audio – to be heard. I’m disappointed in myself. I let a lot of people down.”

Sharpe, 56, said the posting was not staged.

“I came in; I threw my phone on the bed; engaged in an activity,” he said. “I’ve never been on IG live. So I don't know how it works.”

A member of his marketing team contacted him to let him know about the broadcast and put the message up on Instagram saying the had been hacked, he said.

Sharpe, who has more than 3 million Instagram followers, expressed pride in his performance captured on audio.

“These drawers are going into the hall of fame,” he said during the "Nightcap" podcast.

Does Shannon Sharpe have a sex tape?

On Wednesday morning, social media was speculating about an Instagram live video from Sharpe’s account which appeared to be sounds of Sharpe being intimate with a woman.

The live feed was deleted, but plenty of folks recorded, shared, and commented on the video.

Will ESPN fire Shannon Sharpe?

The sports network has not commented on the Sharpe sex video incident.

Katt Williams called Shannon Sharpe about the video

Comedian Katt Williams called to check in on Sharpe after the video went viral, Sharpe told Johnson.

“The first thing out of his mouth: “You ain’t gay today!” Sharpe said.

Williams helped to send Sharpe into the podcasting stratosphere in January 2024 when he appeared on the Sharpe's “Club Shay Shay” podcast where he talked about major players in the show businesses, joke stealing, blackballing and sex being exchanged for career advancement.

The nearly three-hour chat has racked up 74 million views and was the topic of conversation for weeks; and landed Sharpe in the crosshairs of comedians of YouTubers who insinuated he was gay.

Comedian Mike Epps was among those making jokes that led to beef with the retired Superbowl champ which looked to spill over into the 2024 NBA All-Star Weekend in Indianapolis.

The two talked things out at a mutual favorite Indianapolis restaurant.

Shannon Sharpe vs. Mike Epps: After contentious week, Indianapolis commedian and NFL great meet in Indy: 'I showed him love'

Is Shannon Sharpe married?

Sharpe was engaged to fitness trainer Katy Kellner in 2016, but has never married.

Shannon Sharpe sex tape T-shirt

Sharpe was quick to capitalize on the video.

By Wednesday night, he’d added a couple of t-shirts referring the incident to his EIGHTYFOUR clothing brand website.

Contact IndyStar reporter Cheryl V. Jackson at cheryl.jackson@indystar.com or 317-444-6264. Follow her on X.com: @cherylvjackson.

This article originally appeared on Indianapolis Star: Shannon Sharpe explains sex video: 'I'm very disappointed in myself'
