CNN Reporter Puts Trump Attorney On Hot Seat About Phone Call To Increase Votes

CNN’s Pamela Brown on Monday didn’t let Donald Trump’s attorney off the hook as he defended the ex-president’s pressure on Georgia officials to increase the 2020 vote count in his favor. (Watch the video below.)

The Fulton County district attorney is probing Trump’s efforts to reverse his election defeat in that swing state.

Brown played an excerpt of Trump’s phone call to Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger in which he famously said: “All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state.”

“Are you worried the facts in this case are not favorable to your client, given what we just heard there and other calls?” Brown asked Drew Findling, a lawyer representing Trump in a case that may lead to charges of racketeering and other offenses. Trump also has said he expects to be charged in Manhattan over the Stormy Daniels hush-money allegations.

“So, what I’m worried about is that people just listen to eight or nine seconds and don’t really look at evidence,” Findling replied. “So, we look at 62 minutes. We look at all the evidence. And looking at all the evidence, we understand and we know that our client did not break any laws whatsoever.”

Brown snapped back that she reviewed the whole tape and noted that Trump spouted “several conspiracy theories that have been disproven to support his aim that he wanted Raffensperger to overturn the election.”

“How is that OK?” Brown pressed.

“So, what I’m going to say, Pamela, is I’m not going to try the case with you or anybody else on TV or in the media,” the lawyer replied. “I mean, that’s something you deal with in court.”

Findling said he only wanted to discuss a motion his legal team filed declaring the Fulton County grand jury that investigated the case “unconstitutional.” He then went off on a tangent about jails being overcrowded with suspects awaiting trial.

