Finstad wins Republican nomination for U.S. House in Minnesota's 1st Congressional District

Aug. 13—Brad Finstad won the Republican nomination Tuesday, both at the county and district level, for U.S. House in Minnesota's 1st Congressional District.

In Freeborn County, Finstad easily won the GOP primary with Finstad receiving 1,212 out of 1,291 votes, or 93.9% of votes.

At the district level, he received 30,059 votes, or 90.9% out of all votes, with Gregory A. Goetzman receiving 1,409, or 4.26%, and Shawn Tweten receiving 1,599 votes, or 4.84%.

"Tonight's results show what we've known for months: Congressman Finstad is delivering meaningful, impactful results for the people of southern Minnesota," said 1st District GOP Chairman Aaron Farris. "With tonight's primary victory, it's clear that Congressman Finstad's positive message of strengthening southern Minnesota's rural agricultural communities, empowering small businesses and middle class families, and preserving our world-class medical care is a winning message that appeals to the voters of southern Minnesota."

Farris said Finstad will work with Republicans from across the country to rein in inflation, secure the country's southern border, support law enforcement, support American energy and eliminate wasteful spending. During his time in Congress, Finstad has worked to protect veterans, introduced legislation to grow the agriculture economy, supported measures to curb out-of-control government spending and has spearheaded efforts to bring rural jobs and manufacturing to southern Minnesota, Farris said.

Finstad will face off against DFLer Rachel Bohman in November.

Freeborn County results

U.S. House District 1

Gregory A. Goetzman: 39

Brad Finstad: 1,212*

Shawn Tweten: 40

Total: 1,291
