Fluffy Persian Cat’s Halloween Costume Matches Her Sassy Attitude

Sergey Semin/Unsplash

With Halloween around the corner, many pet parents are searching for the perfect Halloween costume for their fur babies. Cleo the City Kitty is a gorgeous all white Persian cat with a little bit of a sassy attitude, and her humans found her a costume to match!

Mom revealed Cleo's vampire Halloween costume on Monday, September 22nd and it's absolutely adorable! It's a black and red cape just like Dracula wears, but it stands out even more because Cleo's fur is blindingly white...and fluffy! Watch on to see Cleo prance around and show off her new garb; I think it's safe to say she feels fancy wearing it. Make sure your sound is on because the song playing in the background makes the whole vibe even better!

This costume fits her attitude perfectly! Cleo seems so regal and royal, and her little prance while wearing it proves she's worthy of a Countess Dracula title! The video racked up over 2.6 million views and has nearly 3 thousand comments. People loved Cleo's new 'fit! @Grunkel said simply, "Count Fluffular." and another commenter chimed in with, "Count Catula". Then Jenn made me laugh when she added, "It's a vampurrrr!" @Miss Anne pointed out, "The zoom at the end killed me!" I agree with @Brynne Elise who said, "I literally can’t stop watching this!"

Related: Cat Loves Last Year’s Halloween Costume So Much He Wears It Everyday

Why Persian Cats Make Great Pets

If you're considering bringing home a cat, a Persian cat would be a good option. They are known for being very cuddly and love to show their affection. I had one years ago, and she was always in my lap or wrapping around my legs for attention. They are sweet, docile, and are great with kids.

The website Hepper explains that this is a very old breed, "...the first documents that mention them date back to 1620, when Italy imported them from Persia, which is modern-day Iran. They remained unchanged until English breeders developed them further in the late 19th century. Then, after World War 2, American breeders further developed them into the modern flat-faced version that many consider a new breed."

And can we talk about their eyes? Persians are known for their stunning eyes, and the come in a variety of colors including blue, green, amber, golden, and copper eyes. Cleo's are gorgeous and the first thing I noticed after all of her fluff!

While Persian cats have lots of fur, surprisingly they're not heavy shedders Brushing them regularly is really all of the daily grooming they require. Hepper says, "Many people refer to them as furniture with fur because they tend to lounge around all day." If you're looking for a chill, low maintenance pet, a Persian might be perfect for you.

Anytime you're considering bringing home a new pet, make sure to do your research and learn what's good about 'em and what's bad about 'em. An adorable cat doesn't necessarily mean that they will make a good addition to your family or fit your lifestyle. Although it would be hard to not bring home a cat as cute as Cleo!

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