French Bulldog Depressed Over Loss of Sphynx Cat Brother Finds Love With New Foster

Shutterstock / Liliana Wierzbicka

When the French Bulldog Emmett first came to live in his forever home, he was starving, fearfully and depressed.His mom says he didn’t even sleep deeply for the first few weeks as he was so terrified of everything around him. Soon, however, he began coming out of his shell, realizing that he was safe with his new family, which included an orange hairless Sphynx cat named Gollum. He formed a special bond with his big brother Gollum, following the cat everywhere he goes and cuddling with him.

Unfortunately, Gollum the cat passed away earlier this month, and the family saw how hard Emmett was grieving the loss, so soon after he’s begun to feel comfortable again. That’s why they were so excited to hear from a local rescue that there was a Sphynx kitten looking for a foster home.

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The coincidence seemed to great to ignore. The tiny hairless kitten was tri-colored, like a mix of their orange Gollum and their other deceased, gray Sphynx, Dobby. Was it possible that the arrival of this new kitten was a message from heaven?

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The family named the new arrival “Freya the Precious”. Freya is after hte norse goddess whose chariot was drawn by two cats, and “precious” because it was the fictional Gollum’s favorite line in The Lord of the Rings. Emmett and Freya have bonded quickly, an interspecies friendship that both rescued animals clearly craved.

And in the comments, everyone else agrees that the foster was meant to be.

“She is heaven sent by Gollum! I truly believe this,” says one. “She and Emmett seem infatuated with each other. She is not a replacement for Gollum, but a gift from him to you! I could not love this more!”

Others point out how great it is that Emmett, who was once a terrified foster pet himself, is there to make poor Freya feel at home. “It’s now Emmett’s turn to help a new friend along in their journey,” observes one person.

“I’m sure he’ll never forget Gollum and how he made Emmett feel safe and welcomed but now Emmett can do the same for this sweet girl,” says another.

As for Freya’s future with this family, anything is possible. After all, Emmett was a “foster fail” too—the term for foster animals who are given a permanent home by their caretakers.

“Foster fail immediately or straight to jail!” advises one enchanted onlooker.

Sphinx Cat Special Care

One thing that makes this family good choice for this kitten is they are experienced in the special needs Sphynx cats have. Due to their hairless nature, Sphynx cats can easily get hypothermia and may need to wear little sweater. They are also not “naturally clean” like most cats and can get oil build up on their extremely delicate skin. They need to be bathed regularly, which means that this kitty must get used to the idea of baths from a young age to make life easier for her future family—whoever they might be.

Is a French Bulldog Right for You?

French Bulldogs are an extremely popular toy breed and one of the most common breeds of dogs in the United States—but they are not without their problems. Their signature appearance, with their flattened face and batlike ears, is known as brachycephaly, a condition that can lead to breathing problems, including hypoxia and hyperthermia because they may not be able to dispel excess body heat through the usual canine method of panting.

But as long as Emmett and Freya are well-cared for, they should be able to spend many happy years together.

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