Further arrest made in city murder investigation

Police have made a further murder arrest after a man died following an attack in Leicester.

An 18-year-old man was detained on Thursday on suspicion of murder and was later released on bail after being interviewed by police.

Matthew Schofield, 34, was found dead in Belgrave Road, Leicester, in the early hours of Sunday 11 June, 2023.

A total of 17 people have now been arrested in connection with the investigation.

Emma Daniels
Matthew's mother Emma Daniels has been praised by detectives for her help [BBC]

A total of 13 people are now on bail, one was released under investigation and a further three were released with no further action.

Leicestershire Police said officers are trying to establish the full circumstances surrounding Matthew's death.

In March his mother Emma Daniels and Det Insp Mark Parish appeared on BBC Crimewatch Live to appeal for information.

He said: “It is never too late to come forward and tell us what you know – this can even be done anonymously.

“At the heart of this investigation is a grieving mother who deserves to know fully what happened to her son.

"Emma has shown such strength through the last year and has been willing to help in any way she can in an effort to see that those responsible are brought to justice.”

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