Golden Retriever with Morning Zoomies Is So Delightfully Chaotic

CC Darii Sorin/Shutterstock

There really never is a dull moment with a dog, is there? Even at 7 am, things can really go haywire. But we wouldn't have it any other way. One woman made the mistake of thinking that she could have a relaxed morning with her Golden Retriever. But nope, fate simply wasn't on her side.

People think that Goldens are the perfect pups. But that's probably because they've never seen them have a case of the zoomies.

The zoomies can happen at any time. Even when it's really not convenient. Unfortunately for the Golden's mama, Rosie's zoomies hit first thing in the morning.

Related: Fluffy Senior Golden Retriever's Backyard Zoomies Are Enough to Make Anyone's Day

The woman really wanted to have one of those peaceful mornings you see in the commercials. You know — you're sitting outside drinking your morning coffee while the birds sing and your dog rests comfortably at your feet? Well that idea went completely out the window the second she opened the door to her deck and Rosie got free.

Rosie was running in circles. "It’s 8:30am on a Thursday…" her exasperated owner joked. Yep, that sounds like a Golden Retriever alright.

People in the comments section could not stop laughing. "Zooming with the parking brake on!" joked one commenter. "The cat is like pull it together man," someone else teased. "Them are the lowrider zoomies!" another commenter chimed in. "He never quite got it out of second gear," someone else noted.

What Are the Zoomies?

Maybe you've had a dog your entire life and are familiar with the zoomies. Or maybe you keep hearing about this zoomies thing and are curious. Either way, the zoomies are a very normal part of owning a dog. But they sure can cause chaos.

The first time your dog has the zoomies, you might have no idea what they're doing. Dogs will usually run around in circles at a high speed. But why do dogs do this? Do they really have it out for your furniture? The answer is energy. Well, too much energy. Dogs are chock full of the stuff and when they need to let it out they tend to "zoom" around.

The technical name for zoomies are Frenetic Random Activity Periods (FRAPs), which is basically a fancy way of saying period when your dog needs to let energy out. Dogs tend to get the zoomies first thing in the morning or right before bed.

As long as your dog doesn't hurt themselves, the zoomies are no reason for alarm. Just stay out of their way when it happens. They've got a lot to let out.

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