Golden Retriever Pup Showing Off 'Big Boy Teef' Has People Squealing

CC Smile Shot/Shutterstock

Raising a puppy is so much fun. Of course, there's the work of training them, but the upside is that you get to see all those incredible puppy milestones. From your dog's first time sleeping in its bed to its first time in the pool, it's the small little steps that make caring for a puppy so sweet. One woman online knows this all too well and is showing off the major change her Golden pup is going through.

Jett really is the littlest guy. He's just learning how to be a dog after all.

He doesn't even have his big boy teeth yet! In the cutest video his owner shared online, it shows what seems to be the happiest dog on earth giving his mama a smile. There they were! Jett's cute little teefs!

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"Him big teefers are coming in!" one commenter wrote to the dog mama. And she wasn't lying, Jett's new teeth are so big.

Even commenters online were excited for Jett's million dollar smile. "Who says doggies can't smile!! Look at that beautiful proud smile showing his big boy teefers!! You rock AJJ! Love you! SAY IT BACK!" cheered one commenter. "Jett giving us a BIG white smile with hims teefies," another person wrote. "His precious teeth! Colgate sponsor Jett!" another commenter pleaded. "The way he is always smiling literally makes my heart burst," gushed one woman.

When Do Puppies Get Their Grown up Teeth?

We bet you didn't know that much like humans, dogs have two sets of teeth. Puppies start with 28 deciduous teeth, or baby teeth, that slowly pop up through their gums around 3 weeks old. Their baby teeth will stop growing in at around 6 weeks, and then by 3 or 4 months dogs will go through a teething process — just like babies.

Over the next three or four months dogs will get their 42 permanent adult teeth that will replace their deciduous teeth. Dogs don't have baby molars, but their baby teeth will fall out.

Someone call the Tooth Fairy, quick!

This is also to say that you'll want to be mindful of what your dog chews on, which might be everything at such a young age. Hard materials like ice, cow hooves, hard toys, or furniture should be no-nos (for several reasons). They can really hurt their little mouths. Puppies might even get "puppy breath" when teething. This is completely normal too.

It can be a big deal when your dog gets their big teeth in. It's certainly something to smile about.

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