Golden Retriever's Bold Refusal to Get Out of the Pool Is Such a Vibe

CC Denis Moskvinov/Shutterstock

We love it when a dog has "selective hearing." It's honestly pretty funny. Like a Golden Retriever named Duke who somehow missed the many times his mom told him to get out of their backyard pool. We get it Duke, with summer winding down we want to soak up every minute in the water too.

Duke went totally rouge in the video his mom shared. She told him not to go in the pool, but he just didn't want to listen.

Duke looked a little put off when his mom told him no at the beginning of the clip. But don't worry, the Golden Retriever totally disregarded his mama and kept on swimming anyway.

Related: Golden Retriever Chews a Hole in Owner's Curtains and Total Hilarity Ensues

"I said no pool," Kimberly Clark told her pup from behind the camera. But it seems like Duke took that as sort of a suggestion. "You're going to have to get out because Mommy said no pool."

"Come on you alligator," she joked. Duke didn't stop one bit and then his fur-brother also joined him in the water.

"You little turkey!" his mom exclaimed. "Now look what you did Duke. Look what you did!"

Apparently Duke's antics are well-known on the internet. Because no one was surprised when he didn't follow the rules. "When are you gonna learn to just walk away. They are the bosses. I love watching them," wrote one person. "Duke, you're so cute how can you say no to him," someone else chimed in. "Mody said, 'I'm coming mommy, I'm coming! OH, HI DUKE,'" teased another commenter. "Oh come on, did you think he would listen…lol. I love you Duke," added someone else.

Is Your Dog Ignoring You?

Your dog is your most devoted companion...until it comes time for them to listen. Then they're sort of hit or miss. Is it possible for your dog to tune you out? 

Dogs don't have the same cognitive skills that humans do. They can't bring certain noises into and out of focus like we can. They do, however, pay attention to whatever helps their survival. So that mostly persists of food, their name, and things related to discipline. It's more fair to say that dogs have "selective attention" and will put their focus on what's more important to them. Basically, they'll give their entire attention to what matters most to them and ignore the rest.

So is your dog ignoring you? Kind of. It might not be malicious — they don't know they're being bad — but they're always going to try and get what they want. Even if that means facing a furious mom on dry land.

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