Golden Retrievers Enjoy Exciting Tennis Ball Surprise on Eve of Big Move

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Moving can be extremely stressful. Even our dogs can sense the changes in our homes and our energy. That's why pet parents often go out of their way to ensure that the moving process is as enjoyable as possible for our four-legged family members.

These Golden Retrievers will never forget their old residence after having an exciting final day. Watch this video from September 2 to find out what made it so special.

Even though Chester (@chasin_chester) wasn't ready to start the day, he finally agreed to Mom's request to go downstairs. He thought it was a perfect time to head outside for one last swim in the pool. Luckily, Dad helped him get into the water and retrieve his ball, and even his brother Chase joined in on the fun. But the real excitement was just beginning. As both dogs looked up, it started raining tennis balls. What a wonderful day to be a dog! They weren't sure where to start with so many to choose from. Chester finally found the ball he liked, but then his mischievous brother Chase ended up stealing it. Siblings always seem to want what the other has! That's one thing that won't change no matter where they live.

Related: Golden Retrievers' Faces When Given 100 Tennis Balls Couldn't Be Any Sweeter

Tips to Make Moving Less Stressful For Dogs

  1. Keep things routine. Maintain daily walking and feeding schedules as much as possible. Dogs are creatures of habit and find security in staying on routine, which can make the process less stressful.

  2. Give them familiarity. Bring their favorite items with you in the car so they will have beds, crates, blankets, or toys to play with when they arrive at their new home.

  3. Let them explore. If possible, allow them to explore their new abode and yard before the move. Be sure to give them plenty of time to investigate with lots of positive reinforcement.

  4. Be patient. While some dogs adjust quickly, others may take a little while to feel like they belong in their new space. Although my dogs were thrilled to be on a new adventure when we moved, after about a month, one of mine seemed a little homesick. Thankfully, with plenty of new things to explore, it didn't last long.

People loved seeing this joy-filled going-away party! Viewer @pappyvanwinkle_and_freddy responded, "That looks like a pawfect last day! But why does Chase have to always take your balls?" It's sibling rivalry at its finest. Another person shared, "I could watch those adorable, smushy faces all day! Grumpy face, Chester, lol. Home is where those dogs are!" That's the absolute truth. Viewer @beckysackin remarked, "When all those balls dropped, I was saying, Omg, omg, omg - myself!" It sure was a fun scene to witness.

Although these good boys may have to say goodbye to their home, they have much to be excited about. They'll now live closer to the ocean, which is always fun for the humans and the pups.
