Goodness, Grace, Guarantee: Take the right sacrifice to church

In the Temple days, the priest was to enter the presence of the Lord with the right sacrifice − and only the right sacrifice. Failure to do so meant death (Hebrews 9:7).

Thank God, we don’t have to offer a blood sacrifice. Jesus Christ has already taken care of that forever (Hebrews 10:10-14). Yet, there is still a sacrifice that the people of God need to bring. It isn't your money, although you should bring your tithes and offerings. It isn't you attendance, although you should be at church at every possible opportunity.

There is just one sacrifice the Lord expects every saint to bring to church and it’s revealed in two verses of Psalm 100. We are told to bring the sacrifice of “praise.” “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name. For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endures to all generations” (vs. 4-5).

Notice God's House is to be a place of praise to Him. We’re given an invitation to “enter” − to enter into the presence of God and bring to Him the sacrifice of praise. Verse 5 gives us three reasons for praising His Name.

Goodness, Grace and Guaranteed

First, we praise God for His Goodness − “the Lord is good.” Everything God does is an expression of His goodness. We can praise Him regardless of what happens in life because God is good. No matter how things turn out, God is still good. Therefore, praise Him for His goodness!

Second, we praise God for His Grace − His “mercy is everlasting.” He’s constantly extending His mercy to us as we go through life. Mercy is defined as “not getting what you deserve.” God deals with you and I with mercy. Why? Because Jesus, took our place on a cross. All our sins were transferred to Him and God poured out His wrath on His Own Son (John 3:16-17), and now we enjoy the inexhaustible mercy of God (Lamentations 3:22-23).

Third, we praise God for His Guarantee − His “truth endures to all generations.” Simply stated, the promise of God's Word will be as good in 10,000 years as it was the instant He promised it. When He tells you He loves you, you can count on it. When He tells you He'll save you if you come to Him, you can count on it. If He tells you that He'll take care of you, you can count on it. If He tells you He’s coming back to get you, you can count on it. And, that’s a good reason to praise Him.

Are you bringing the right sacrifice to church? Are you filled with His praises as you used to be? I don't know your hearts, but I know some of you need to look at what you are bringing to church. This Sunday let's “Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise. Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.”

Rev. J. Patrick Street is the lead pastor of Redeemer Church in Marion. He can be reached at

This article originally appeared on Marion Star: The importance of bringing the right sacrifice to church
