Gwyneth Paltrow shares sweet multigenerational pic with mom Blythe Danner and daughter Apple

Gwyneth Paltrow is celebrating the multiple generations of strong women in her family.

In honor of International Women's Day March 8, the actor shared a sweet photo of herself posing with her mom, Blythe Danner, and her daughter, Apple Martin.

In the picture, Paltrow stands in the middle of her two favorite ladies as the sun sets in the background. The Goop founder, 50, added the hashtag, #internationalwomensday, to her post.

Danner donned a breezy striped tunic, while Paltrow opted for a cinched blue and white printed dress. Martin, meanwhile, wore a floral dress with bows at the sleeves.

The family resemblance was uncanny, and all three women grinned as they huddled up for the picture.

Three generation together for one stunning photo. (@gwynethpaltrow via Instagram)
Three generation together for one stunning photo. (@gwynethpaltrow via Instagram)

On Feb. 3, Danner turned 80, and Paltrow celebrated her mother’s special day with a loving message for the actor.

“Happy 80th to you my wonderful mother,” she wrote. “You are a joy to behold, so beautiful and strong. We all love you so very much.”

Last year on International Women's Day, Paltrow paid tribute to her daughter with a message on Instagram.

“This woman gives me hope for the future of sisterhood, and for the future of our planet. And this woman has made me the woman I am today more than anyone else,” she wrote.

The mother-daughter duo has a tight bond and are known for twinning in their photos together.

Last summer, the 18-year-old graduated from high school and looked like the spitting image of her mom. They also shared another lookalike moment in August on a trip to New York City.

In 2020, the intergenerational trio got together for a rare interview and spoke about the concept of aging. During their chat, each revealed when they have felt their “prettiest.”

Paltrow said she felt “really great” in her late 30s and acknowledged that aging is “hard.”

“It’s definitely a process, and I think when you see your face start to change, you don’t necessarily feel your most beautiful externally. But the irony is it’s that time in your life when you actually really like yourself and love yourself. So you sort of internally feel really beautiful,” she said.

Danner, who was 77 at the time, said she felt prettiest at 50.

“Maybe because of what you just said,” she told her daughter.

This article was originally published on
