A Hiker's Path: Back home in Indiana's Canyon Forest Nature Preserve

Canyon Forest Nature Preserve has been owned by Sycamore Land Trust since 2013, and was dedicated as an Indiana State Nature Preserve in May 2020 by the Indiana Natural Resources Commission. This dedication recognizes the preserve as one of the most significant natural areas in our state.

The trailhead sign at Canyon Forest Nature Preserve in Greene County, Indiana.
The trailhead sign at Canyon Forest Nature Preserve in Greene County, Indiana.

In August 2020, Sycamore, still the owner and manager, changed the name of this nature preserve. It used to be called the Dilcher-Turner Canyon Forest. The preserve was donated by David and Kathy Dilcher and Rudi Turner. This Greene County property served as their playground and retreat for more than 40 years, and they wanted to preserve their land’s pristine ravines as a natural area for people to enjoy.

Rudi, a retired Indiana University biology researcher who passed away in 2018, had a strong interest in orchids, which are found on the property. The preserve features seasonal waterfalls and sandstone outcrops. It's full of beautiful hardwood trees but there is so much more in this 68-acre preserve.

There are three loop trails in the forest that intersect. The trail is considered moderate in ease of hiking and is 1.6 miles in length.

It was a beautiful, warm summer day with blue skies and sun overhead when I hiked at this beautiful preserve. Having recently returned home from an extended road trip to Colorado, I felt it was time to get back on some of my favorite stomping grounds in Indiana. I wanted to be in the forest with moss and streams and trees and rocks.

I knew I would find these things and more at this place.

I drove to the preserve and found the trailhead quite easily. I started hiking on the well defined and somewhat familiar dirt path. And soon, I found myself in the middle of white pine and cedar trees mixed in with a variety of hardwood trees.

I stood a few moments beneath the canopy of the trees and took in wonderful scent of pine and cedar and damp earth. The recent heavy rains had left the trail a bit muddy in places, but the air was permeated with the essence of the woods, old moss, wet leaves, and rotting logs.

I breathed in the fresh air and, with a big sigh, I knew that I was home.

I continued along the path, enjoying the presence of forest around me. I soon came to an intersection where the trail spilt in two directions. I studied a map on a sign at the split and decided to take the trail to my left, which would lead me down to the creek and waterfall. I had just hiked a little when I came to a view of the canyon.

Rock outcrops and ferns along the canyon wall at Canyon Forest Nature Preserve in Greene County, Indiana.
Rock outcrops and ferns along the canyon wall at Canyon Forest Nature Preserve in Greene County, Indiana.

The water fall was dried up, as was the stream.

Moss covered outcrops and beautiful ferns lined the walls of the canyon. A bench strategically placed at the top of the canyon offered optimal viewing so I sat and enjoyed a few moments of nature.

The canyon formed a deep ravine with ridges along the top. I enjoyed some moments of tranquility while I took in the landscape. Then it was back on the trail. The path continued to follow the edges of the canyon.

I came to a slope and, as I climbed upward, I passed several small rock shelters and moss-covered sandstone outcroppings, which gave a prehistoric feel to the wooded landscape that surrounded me. Wood ferns dotted the hillside and the canopy of leaves overhead provided much needed shade, but it also blocked the sunlight. I was definitely deep in the forest now.

The rest of the forest was dressed in earth's colors: browns and grays, a lot of beige and green. The dirt path beneath my feet had roots growing through it in many places. It was very quiet except for the sound of my footsteps. It was a peaceful walk in the woods and an easy trail to follow. I walked the loop back to the intersection, then returned to the parking lot.

A simple hike in a beautiful woods. It was a good day. To get to this place: From West Ind. 45 at the border of Monroe and Greene counties, veer right on East Chapel Road by the white church. Take the immediate right onto Greene County Line Road. Go 1 mile and turn left on Edwards Road. Parking is on your right just after railroad tracks.

One of my favorite quotes for your week: “It’s not so much for its beauty that the forest makes a claim upon men’s hearts., as for that subtle something, that quality of air, that emanation of old trees, that so wonderfully changes and renews a weary spirit.” — Robert Louis Stevenson, Scottish novelist, essayist, poet, writer, 1850-1894Until the next trail, Susan

This article originally appeared on The Herald-Times: Hiking Sycamore Land Trust's Canyon Forest Nature Preserve
