Hollyoaks to revisit Darren Osborne's mental health story

Note: This story discusses topics including mental health difficulties and attempted suicide.

Hollyoaks spoilers follow.

Hollyoaks will revisit a story regarding Darren Osborne's mental health as he prepares to help his stepson Charlie Dean.

Charlie has been struggling with his own mental health in recent weeks, culminating with an attempt on his own life before he was rescued at the beach by Darren and Tony.

As Charlie recovered in hospital, Darren recalled his own very serious difficulties with depression, and next week's scenes will see him experiencing anxiety about Charlie's health in particular.

charlie and darren, hollyoaks
Lime Pictures

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The week begins with Charlie telling Darren that he feels like a different person from recent months, with the teenager left wondering if recent events will change him forever. He reassures Darren that he feels he's now getting the help he needs.

Meanwhile, Tony is looking for people to cover shifts at The Dog in the Pond, with Jack suggesting that Darren could fill in – but he is worried about leaving Charlie, especially after the events of the last few weeks and months.

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Lime Pictures

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Darren steps in at the pub but finds it hard to concentrate while at work. He remains affected by what's happened, and subsequently rushes to check on Charlie in the middle of a shift.

Will Darren be able to manage at work and in his personal life while protecting his own mental health?

If you've been affected by the issues raised in this story, organisations who can offer support include the NHS, Samaritans on 116 123 or Mind on 0300 123 3393. Readers in the US are encouraged to visit mentalhealth.gov.

From Monday, September 25, Hollyoaks will stream first online via Channel 4 each weekday. Episodes then air on E4 the following day, before getting their YouTube premiere a week after that.

Selected omnibus episodes are available via Prime Video.

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