'Home Town' Star Erin Napier Shares Rare New Photo of Her Daughters

erin napier holding a microphone
Erin Napier Shares Rare IG Photo of DaughtersManny Carabel - Getty Images

As Home Town Takeover fans, we're invested in pretty much anything the Napiers do, and one of Erin's latest post has everyone feeling extra nostalgic.

Fans have always appreciated Erin's honesty on social media. With two daughters, Helen and Mae, she makes it a priority to protect their identities, especially after a disturbing interaction with a stranger.

Kindly, the mom and best-selling author still keeps fans up-to-date with what's going on in the Napier household. Case in point? This sweet Instagram, which Erin posted in October.

In a photo captioned: "And my mama wanted to clean this closet out when I went to college. BOY WE SHOWED HER TODAY," it looks like the young Napiers are having the times of their lives.

Erin took Helen and Mae to a treasure trove of toys a.k.a her childhood closet. Full of children's books, stuffed animals, and trophies, it looks like a child's dream come true.

From what we can see, little Mae is going straight for a Mickey Mouse stuffed toy while her big sister takes inventory of what she wants to take home.

Fans bombarded Erin's comment section with sweet messages like:

  • "I bet the girls think this is a new toy store😎😍😎😍"

  • "The amount of nostalgia in this frame ❤️"

  • "This is why I never want to get rid of anything!!!"

  • "Look at that treasure trove!!"

It's almost as if Christmas came early for the tiny Napiers!

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