Idaho bill limiting types of books available is the very definition of censorship | Opinion

Library ban

House Bill 139 claims it will “shelter” kids from materials viewed or checked out from schools or public libraries. The bill identifies a long list of allegedly “harmful” things, and proposes imposing serious consequences.

I am vehemently opposed to this bill for the following reasons.

This bill, as written, does not limit potential rampant misuse of our legal system from people abusing the law, and could result in the closing of libraries who cannot afford legal fees and $10,000 fines because someone does not approve of something.

Libraries could remove books, fearing a teenager might check it out or a young child might pass it on a shelf.

Kids and teenagers currently going to libraries to learn and explore will no longer bother because they won’t be allowed to check anything out without an adult present.

Line 38 only exacerbates the possibility to misuse this law. “Any other material harmful to minors.” Harmful how? Says who?

Lastly, this is the definition of censorship. Idaho prides itself on being the least regulated state. Why add regulations restricting Idahoans’ access to read the materials they choose.

I say no to proposed HB 139! Censorship is wrong. This bill is wrong.

Ellen Hudson, Emmett

Wacky GOP

Let’s see, the Idaho’s legislature is spending our money trying to criminalize parents that only want to support their trans gender children, criminalize the medical professional that offers them help and hope, criminalize the administration of proven vaccines, equate transport of a pregnant girl across state lines to a sex crime, rollback Medicaid health insurance for those who otherwise have no place to turn, make it a crime for libraries and their staff to loan certain books, and enlarge Idaho by bringing in a huge swath of poor Eastern Oregon. It’s nuts! How about we live and let live, read and let read, be caring and compassionate, keep our own house in order. Our legislature should focus on some real problems like property tax reform for homeowners, programs to create jobs and provide training so that more of our children want to call Idaho home, attend to failing transportation infrastructure, and accelerate the transition to green energy. Be helpful, not wacky.

Don Essig, Boise


Far-right extremists in the Idaho State Legislature are trying to take our rights away instead of fixing real problems like funding public schools, affordable housing, property tax relief, and health care.

Bills to restrict interstate travel, restrict voting, ban vaccines and insert local law enforcement staff into your doctor’s visit. Ironically some of the legislators who cry “liberty” and “freedom” are trying to take your rights away.

Their attacks continue against public schools while giving unregulated handouts to home schools, religious and private schools. Threats of a $10,000 per book fine for objectionable books would destroy public libraries or greatly increase taxes to support them. Which has more potential to harm a child: a book or a hateful bigot?

Don’t get me wrong, the legislature includes some decent folks trying to do the right thing. Unfortunately, making an impassioned speech then voting in favor of a hateful bill is still wrong. Watch what they do, not what they say.

Our last hope is that Governor Little will veto these horrible, undemocratic bills. With his landslide reelection last year, I hope he has the courage. We the people want to keep our rights!

Norma Staaf, Harpster

Right-wing attacks

We all need to send our wayward legislators a clear message: stop attacking our libraries, schools and health care providers. Focus on real Idaho issues instead of made up issues that are being spoon fed to you from out of state interests like the Idaho Freedom Foundation. Focus on programs that encourage our children to read instead of demonizing our libraries and criminalizing our Librarians. Focus on making our public schools and all the options they offer the best they can be instead of diverting taxpayer dollars to private companies and religious schools. Focus on attracting desperately needed doctors and nurses to Idaho instead of criminalizing them and banning legitimate medical treatments. Focus on your job of making our government work for all the people of Idaho instead of trying to legislate petty fears and narrow-minded agendas.

Bob Smith, Boise
