‘Jeopardy!’ producer addresses talk of controversial rule change. ‘Nobody get upset’

Screengrab from Oct. 6 "Jeopardy!" episode

Consideration of a “Jeopardy!” rule change has sparked criticism for more than a month, but now producers of the quiz show say nothing new is planned.

The internet ran afoul in September when executive producer Michael Davies said he was considering awarding a cash bonus to contestants who sweep a category. Fans of the show were able to breathe a sigh of relief after listening to the Monday, Oct. 17, episode of the “Inside Jeopardy!” podcast.

“We’re not doing anything different with it at this point,” show producer Sarah Whitcomb Foss said on the podcast. “There is no bonus right now. Nobody get upset.”

But Whitcomb Foss did say that after the current week’s shows, hosts will not call out whenever a contestant sweeps a category unless it happens within five straight clues.

Davies said in September he was considering the rule change when he saw many contestants, including Amy Schneider, sweep categories.

“I don’t know that I want to affect the scoring in the game, but I do think it would be appropriate maybe to try out at some point — maybe in a high school tournament, which we’re talking about doing, maybe in college — maybe an additional cash bonus for running a category,” Davies said in September on the podcast.

His comments on the podcast sparked strong opinions against the proposal.

“Do not turn this game into #WheelOfFortune,” one person said.

“There is nothing wrong with #Jeopardy! If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” another fan said.

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