KC Current players: Who will be the first to kick a ball into the Missouri River?

As Kansas City prepares to celebrate the opening of the KC Current’s riverside stadium this weekend, the players have floated a question.

Who will be the first to kick a ball out of CPKC Stadium into the Missouri River next door?

They made a TikTok to ponder it because “we’ve all been thinking it.”

So have fans.

“I’m seeing a Ted Lasso play design here that our team can use! Right?” suggested one team supporter on a Facebook fan page.

“If they really get a ball out there, I will be impressed!” wrote another.

Players are confident that someone will rocket a ball out of the stadium, which sits in Berkley Riverfront Park on the south side of the river, near the Christopher S. Bond Bridge.

The team’s TikTok.
The team’s TikTok.

“That’s what I’m gonna do,” said one player in the video. “I’m going to kick it so hard it’s going to rip through the net.”

No, said another player. “It’s gonna be probably Alexa (Spaanstra). She’s gonna moon that thing. Dude, it’s going to touch the sun.” Spaanstra, a Michigan native, is a forward, soccer’s so-called “glamour” position — aka the one expected to score.

But Claire Lavogez, a midfielder from Calais, France, was a popular guess. Fans call her Air France.

Several agreed that defender Hailie Mace from Ventura, California, will be the first to boot the ball into the water. “She’s got some power behind that shot,” one teammate reasoned.

“Y’all better make an award for whoever does it first!!” a fan urged on TikTok.

“Stay tuned my friend,” the team replied.

“Follow-up question,” wrote another fan. “Who’s fishing it out of the Mighty Mo?”

Do we need kayakers, another fan wondered.

“Did you just volunteer?” the team asked them.

Members of one of the team’s Facebook fan pages have warned one another not to chase errant balls into the river, though one man wrote, “I’ll be down in the river for the game(s) and will retrieve any ball. In a boat btw.”

“DO NOT GET IN THE RIVER FOR ANY REASON!!!!” one fan exclaimed.

Another posted a drawing as a public service announcement.

“In case you’re thinking about taking a dip in the Muddy MO to retrieve a ball, these are the channels and depths you’ll contend with,” she wrote.

“This doesn’t take into account the crazy currents.”

(She meant the river, not the players.)

She later added: “Because some people might have taken this seriously, please don’t get in the river.”

The drawing didn’t scare one fellow fan, who marveled that the river near the stadium isn’t “as deep as I thought it’d be.”

Besides, this discussion is moot, he wrote. “Balls float.”

Do they? Guess the Current will have to prove that.
