Kelly Clarkson Was So Hilarious While Answering a Question About Rumored Carried Underwood Drama

Kelly Clarkson just made it clear that she and Carrie Underwood have zero drama—and did so in the most iconic way. The moment in question happened when a fan called into Watch What Happens Live and asked "after years of everyone trying to pit you and Carrie Underwood against each other..."

But she didn't get a chance to finish the question before Kelly jumped in with, "I think I know where you're going with this. People always pit us together and we don't even know each other well enough to be pitted against. Like, literally, we've run into each other, like, a handful of times. There's no beef between us. There's nothing between us. We don't know each other. We've literally run into each other a few times."

And Cohen then asked the caller to finish the question, which ended up simply being "what was your favorite part of having her as a guest on your talk show?" Prompting Kelly to say "shit," dip out of the interview, and head straight to the bar.

"Look, everyone always asks me the pitted against each other question," she said upon her return. "It was awesome. It was great to have her on the show. I think the thing that was cool about it is that everybody always pits us against each other, and I don’t know why they do that—they don’t do that with dudes. The only do it with females. And I 'm like we don’t even know each other well enough to do that. But I’d love to have her there in person. It was during COVID, so it was over Zoom."

That settles that! Oh, and reminder that alllll the way back in 2018 Kelly and Carrie shut down feud rumors with this brief Twitter exchange:

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