Letter: Enderby strong candidate for Ashland County sheriff

Chad Enderby has the most complete law enforcement, management, fiscally-responsible leadership experience and background with the Ohio Highway Patrol for over 30 years.


  • Multiple promotions at multiple Ohio Posts – including Ashland.

  • Managed, commanded and lead over 250 law enforcement personnel – to include leading, hiring, training, promoting, performances evaluations, disciplining and firing.

  • Managed fiscally responsible budgets for Posts at multiple locations, to include the City of Ashland.

  • Has/had collaborative experience with Ashland City Police and Ashland County Sheriff’s departments.

  • Graduate of Ohio Highway Patrol Academy, multiple specialized training experiences including the United States Secret Service and Northwestern School of Police Staff & Command.

  • Highly experienced in criminal investigations, resource allocation, facilities management, payroll and scheduling.

  • Received State Highway Patrol Superintendent’s Citation of Merit – the 2nd highest award for bravery.

  • A fair, disciplined leader of integrity and skill.

  • An Ashland County resident most of his life.

  • HR director with union contracts and negotiations experience.

  • Lifetime conservative Republican, pro-life, pro Second Amendment.

Sheriff's Office llans for the future

  • Chad has a comprehensive 911 plan to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of this system.

  • Increase the presence of deputies in our townships and villages.

  • School security and safety a priority.

  • Focus on community policing and family safety.

  • Enhance collaboration with other area first responders and law enforcement groups during critical events.

Chad is married to his wife Sandy, who also serves our community as the executive director of the Ashland County Council on Aging helping our senior citizens.

Please join us in voting for Chad Enderby, in this critical election, who has the broadest background, experience, integrity and leadership skills to be the next sheriff of our terrific Ashland County.

Greg and Gayle Gorrell, Ashland

This article originally appeared on Ashland Times Gazette: Letter: Enderby strong candidate for Ashland County sheriff
