Letters: Fox News is incapable of lying. It’s only for entertainment, nothing serious | Opinion

Saddened Fox News payed millions and fired Tucker for just lying? As their lawyer I would claim Fox “News” is a farcical entertainment show. Tucker was the number one clown. How can comedic entertainers and clowns lie? I have never considered Fox to be anything but entertainment. Under the Trump big circus tent Fox, along with the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones, Joe Rogan, and Monty Python, have always been quality entertainment. I have never taken any of them seriously and have never laughed so heartily in my life from watching and listening to the comedic “News” parodies from Rush, Alex, Joe and the Fox circus news. If I want real news I watch PBS, BBC, Al Jazeera, or read a good newspaper from reputable news organizations. Hopefully, Sean and the other Fox clowns will step up and save the day. I always love a good laugh.

Kurt Smith, Boise

I’m against more gun control

I am responding to Scott McIntosh’s Apr 27 editorial about how “responsible gun owners need to push back against toxic gun culture.” The article seems to be arguing for the same sort of restrictions that California has had for decades, which have made no difference whatsoever there. As a responsible gun owner and competitive shooter, I am against any more gun restrictions for two main reasons: First, Idaho already has one of the lowest rates of homicide and violent crime in the nation (less than half the homicide rate of California over the last 10 years), which would lead one to believe that something other than just high rates of gun ownership are causing the recent slight increase in violence nationwide. Second, the people pushing these new restrictions have already admitted their ultimate goal is an Australian-style ban, so why would a responsible person give even an inch towards that goal?

The media and anti-2nd-Amendment groups only talk about “gun violence,” which implies to me that they don’t really care much about violence, but just don’t want people to have guns. It makes more sense to me to explore why more people these days are angry, alienated, suicidal and violent.

Mark Weaver, Kuna

Thanks for a helping hand

I know I am not the only one who has had their mailbox recently vandalized. My husband is 84 and aside from the cost of replacement — it’s a matter of digging a two-foot hole, cement and assembly. Today we were both outside attempting to assemble the mailbox onto the 4x4. It was so windy but we were determined when a very kind gentleman and his associate from Legend Mechanical stopped by. “Can we be of assistance?” Oh my goodness, “Yes, thank you so very much!” We would still be working on that mailbox had it not been for their genuine kindness. We have lived in Idaho since 1978, and we feel blessed to live here. The gentleman Mike who helped us was born and raised in Idaho. It’s the people of Idaho that make it great! Thank you.

Sherron Carolson, Meridian

Ask the people about abortion

Why don’t the GOP legislators in Idaho let the people decide if abortion should be legal? Because they know the people want this right. Legislators are supposed to represent the will of the people, not to represent what their religion says people should do. Our legislators are supposed to represent all the people, not just the people in their church. This government by the minority will end, only if we get rid of the GOP hold on our government. If the GOP does not let us vote on abortion, we need to vote them all out of office. Don’t let your children grow up to be Republicans. Let them be free.

Allen L Wenger, Boise

Voting system has a real hole

It is ironic that the Idaho Statesman editorial board, in saying Fox News had spread a falsehood regarding election fraud, decided, themselves, to spread a falsehood in criticizing me for voting for HB 137. The editorial said HB 137 would have eliminated the ability of unidentified voters to sign an affidavit asserting their identity when they fail to provide proper photo identification, and thereby cast a provisional ballot. If only that were the case.

The truth is that these ballots from unidentified voters are not provisional. They go into the same box as ballots cast by all other voters, meaning there is no way to separate out ballots cast by unidentified voters, even if the actual voter, who the unidentified voter claimed to be, later shows up at the polls with identification.

Furthermore, since pollworkers don’t check the affidavit signature against the voter registration signature, a person could theoretically sign as Donald Duck and vote in your name at the polls. This is an obvious, easily exploitable hole in Idaho’s election system, and should be fixed. It would be helpful if our local newspaper supported these efforts, rather than spreading falsehoods that undermine them.

Speaker Mike Moyle, Star

Men disadvantaged in custody disputes

The gender bias in court custody battles continues to frighten me and it should frighten you as well. How many times do I have to hear about people with known drug addictions or other criminal records getting full custody of their child solely because they’re the mother while people with clean records and well paying jobs don’t solely because they’re the father? If the mother has proven to be the safer and/or more financial stable of the two parents then they should absolutely win the custody battles. But that is not what always happens, and I can’t help but worry about the safety of Idaho’s children because of this. Will Idaho’s leaders step and address this issue or will they continue to ignore it and continue to put the future generation of the gem state on the line?

Jordan Elings, Eagle
