9 Rare Cat Breeds Most People Don't Know About

If there's one thing I learned in high school, it's that popularity isn't everything. But in all seriousness, there's so much value in the uncommon if you know where to look.

Have you considered, for example, how many cat breeds there are in the world? You may be familiar with the magnificent Maine Coon and the iconic American Shorthair, but can you name all 73 cat breeds recognized by The Cat Fancier's Association? I didn't think so!

These nine cat breeds are some of the rarest in the world, but they're also some of the coolest. Ready to learn something new?


Like many things in this world, the Burmilla cat breed was a happy accident. They originated in Great Britain as a mix between a Chinchilla Persian and a Burmese (hence the name Burm-illa), and they've been slowly rising in popularity in the UK. Their silvery coat and eyeliner-like gaze enchant everyone they meet, but they're also known to be charming, affectionate, and gentle.


<p>Katniss studios/Shutterstock</p>

Katniss studios/Shutterstock

These cats are often mistaken with their similar-looking relative, the Russian Blue. Both cat breeds have shiny gray coats and large, colorful eyes, but there are a few key differences. Chartreux cats, which hail from France, have bright orange eyes and are a lot sturdier and more muscular than their Russian cousins.

Havana Brown

There aren't many pure brown cat breeds in the world, but the Havana Brown is one of them. They have deep brown fur and bright green eyes, but owners of these cats love their affection and companionship the most. These curious kitties will investigate anything they can get their paws on, but they'll always love settling down next to family for the day.


There are many reasons to love the Korat breed. They have beautiful, silver-tipped coats, heart-shaped heads, and playful personalities, but did you know that they're also considered to be good luck in their homeland of Thailand?


<p>Nynke van Holten/Shutterstock</p>

Nynke van Holten/Shutterstock

These cats just might be some of the most unique you've ever seen! People often compare them to werewolves because of their partially hairless complexion (which is caused by a genetic mutation), but Lykois are 100% feline. They are an active cat breed that prefers playtime or hunting to naptime, so they do best in a busy home where they have plenty to do and see.


This hybrid cat breed resulted from a cross between two popular cat breeds: Munchkin cats and Sphynx cats. They've inherited the hairlessness of the Sphynx and the short legs of the Munchkin for a look that you'll never forget.


Peterbald cats originated in Russia and come in five different varieties. Each variety has its own coat length, from a 'regular' short-hair cat to a completely bald cat. Some are even covered in peach fuzz! These athletic, large-eared kitties love to be with their owners, and some even do well walking on leash!




Singapura cats have large eyes and ears as well as a distinctive 'ticked' coat. This is another curious and affectionate cat breed that will happily accompany you around the house. They also hold a lot of energy in a tiny package (they're actually the world's smallest cat breed), so don't be surprised if you have a tiny tiger darting around!

There are so many stunning cat breeds to admire and appreciate, starting with these nine less common ones. It's impossible to choose a favorite!

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