The Best Ways To Open A Wine Bottle Without A Corkscrew

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How To Open A Wine Bottle Without A Corkscrew@taylorcolemanadams on TikTok; @flashysoundztv on TikTok

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Nothing grinds a party to a halt like forgetting to bring a wine opener. It’s something that happens to everybody at some point. Maybe you’re hosting a housewarming and haven’t fully stocked your kitchen, or you’re taking the party outdoors and forgot to grab a wine key on the way out.

Admittedly, it can send some of us spiraling. What’s the point of a BYOB if you don’t have the right tools to open your bottle? But before you give up and send everybody home, don’t despair. There are several helpful hacks to open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew.

We're including the most effective and least risky techniques that you can use in lieu of a wine opener. Other alternatives, like the infamous flat iron method, didn't make this list because you'll likely end up with a broken bottle and maybe even an injury.

And once you successfully remove your cork, we suggest you buy yourself a pocket bottle opener to add to your keychain (your future self will thank you).

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The Screw Method

This technique is the most similar to using an actual corkscrew. Start by twisting a screw into the center of your cork until it’s secure, with about an inch still protruding from the top. Then hook the back of a hammer or the tines of a fork to the screw and pull the cork out. It requires some physical exertion, but it’s the safest and most effective method.

The Key Method

If you don’t have a screw on hand, you can still open up a bottle of wine with a house key. All you need to do is insert a key into the cork at a 45° angle and use it to spin the cork in circles. Eventually, the key will pull the cork out and you’re ready to drink.

The Shoe Method

For this hack, you’ll need to use one of your shoes. Choose one with a closed heel and, preferably, a cushioned sole (like a sneaker). Place the base of your wine bottle into your shoe and bang the sole against a hard surface, like a wall or a tree trunk. Make sure you’re not using too much force, or else you’ll risk breaking the bottle.

After repeating this process a few times, the pressure will gradually push the cork out of the bottle. Once it’s exposed enough for you to firmly grasp it, you can pull the cork out with your hands. Depending on where you try this hack, you might annoy your next door neighbors. But it definitely works.

The Lighter Method

Heat causes gas to expand and apply pressure in the bottle, which will eventually push the cork out. Using a lighter (or a blowtorch on the lowest setting, if you somehow have one on hand but not a wine opener), apply heat to the neck of your wine bottle directly below the cork.

It’s also worth noting that this method should only be used on room temperature bottles. Chilled glass is more likely to break when exposed to heat.

The Pushing Method

If you don’t have any other option and don’t plan on keeping your cork, you can simply push it into the bottle. You can use a blunt, thin object (like the handle of a wooden spoon, a makeup brush, or a marker) to apply pressure to the top of your cork. With carefully applied force, the cork will move down the neck of the bottle until it reaches the base of the bottle.

There’s a chance that if you try this with an older wine, the cork will crumble and end up in your glass. But even if that does happen, you can remedy the problem by straining the wine before you drink it.

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