Blind Cat's Proud Squeaks While Presenting Mom with Her 'Catch' Are Everything


A blind cat named Moet was so proud of herself. She had a "big catch" recently and really wanted to show it off. The cat's owner caught Moet totally feeling herself on camera. Although we would be lying if we said Moet's proud presentation wasn't just the tiniest bit cute.

There was only one person that Moet wanted to show her precious catch to — her mama.

She did good! The footage her owner shared shows the cat strolling over with her cat toy in her mouth. We guess the hunt was good that day.

"Mom look, look!" she seemed to say. She was so pleased with herself.

Related: Blind Kitty Giving Kisses to Another Cat is Making Hearts Flutter

"Wait for the proud squeaks as blind kitty presents mom with her 'catch,'" the cat mom wrote in the video's onscreen text overlay.

"I am the cutest cat when I bring that mom gifts," she added in the caption, as if speaking for her kitty.

Commenters were so in love with Moet. "I want to hug her and squeeze her and love her so bad!" wrote one woman. "I love when sweet Moet brings Mommy her little presents and then she meows. I love it!!" one commenter exclaimed. "My gosh, just love this kitty!" someone else agreed.

Toys for Your Cat’s Prey Drive

Has your cat ever brought you a real life mouse? It's not our favorite part of cat ownership, we admit. Although your cat is more likely to lay on the couch than hunt for food, they still have those big cat instincts. And things like toys can help them express those instincts without being quite so gross.

A cat's prey drive is a natural part of their existence. Inanimate toys like balls or toy mice can be a lot of fun for them. They can paw and pounce on them all on their own.

Interactive toys are the classic fishing rod toys and wand toys. These allow you to play with your cat, as they chase the "prey" attached to the rod. Cats love chasing these things. It can make them feel like they're chasing a bird or a mouse.

If your cat has a ton of energy you'll want to get them an electric toy. These toys can keep cats engaged for long periods of time and again allows them to be mentally engaged.

Something that really helps is to have lots of different perches for your cats to climb on. They also need places to hide, rest, and scratch. Pick the right toys and create the right environment and we promise you, your cat will really have a ball.

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